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Second update because I am super happy today. Make sure you haven't skipped 26th chapter.

👑 NEIL 👑

It has been around two weeks since Miss Avaline started working as my assistant. I must say, she is just like Edmund, hard-working, responsible and reliable.

I try not to be biased for her but yes, I agree I do have a little soft corner for her as she is King's sister. On her first day here, I noticed how these siblings have a habit of missing meals. Now I can't force her to take a break every day so I informed Edmund about it and now she always has lunch on time.
Spending time with her, though on a professional level, I can tell that she is a beautiful soul who needs to be cherished.

I don't want to scold her and ever be a reason for her tears. So for my sake, I don't want her to make any mistakes. Being the boss and the man in power, I can't be unjust to the rest.

Today, Miss Avaline told me that Mr Cullen wants to have the meeting in an hour. That meeting was to held next week. I agreed, though it was very short notice but Cullen's are our old partners, and we shall not disappoint them. That's what a business is all about, uncertainties. And that's the beauty of the corporate world.

I asked Avaline to get the meeting room ready and fetch the files from the Finance Department. I know it may be short notice but Ava would manage everything smoothly. She is way more competent than my past assistants altogether.

True to my words, when I went to the conference room, everything was perfectly in place. I asked Mr Cullen to have a seat and we talked about some random things while he complimented me for my hardworking staff. We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Miss Avaline was standing there holding a tray with two cups of coffee, I guess. She came in and apologized for being late. But what was she doing here, I specifically told her that doesn't need to attend this meeting.

Anyway, she got in and passed me a cup. Why did she make the coffee? I remember how Edmund praised her coffee-making skills. Note the sarcasm.
So why did she lie and tell everyone that they were her past boss's favourites? What is this girl up to?

While giving the cup to Mr Cullen she lost balance and the coffee spilled all over the file and some on him as well. I didn't expect her to be this clumsy. She profusely apologized. I know Mr Cullen is a gentleman and he won't take this incident to heart. I just hope he didn't get scathed.

As Mr Cullen left for the washroom, Avaline quickly wiped the coffee and even discarded my cup. Then she brought two fresh copies of the document and kept them on the table. Why did she change my file as well, it was untouched. And how she had extra copies with her. Was this all drama intentional? I looked at her in confusion and anger while she promised to explain everything later and went from the room.

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