Chapter 26: Julie (2 years later)

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2 years later...

As I stood at the podium, reading a fragment of my book "Night At The Library," a fan's eager question brought me back to the present. "Will you be continuing with a sequel, Julia? We want to know what happened to Whyatt. Is he going to be a poet? Will he leave basketball?" The enthusiasm in her voice was unmistakable, her presence commanding attention with dark black hair and a nose piercing, all wrapped in a vibrant red and gold dress.

Pausing briefly, I felt a surge of gratitude and excitement. Two years had passed since that unforgettable night at the library, yet the memories still stirred within me, inspiring me to craft tales of unexpected love and fleeting dreams. After Mrs. Callen presented me with a life-changing opportunity, I moved to New York and began writing "Rosie: The Girl of Steel Armor," initially intended for middle-aged readers but later adapted into a young adult novel. Yet, amid my growing success, one story remained at the forefront of my mind—the story of me and Will.

As an author, I felt compelled to tell our story, to delve into the intricacies of our relationship and the journey we embarked on together. But as I stood at the podium, I realized that some stories were better left untold, their endings shrouded in mystery.

"I'm sorry, folks," I said with a smile. "I can't give you concrete answers about Whyatt's future. But let's just say, he's on his own journey, searching for his own truth."

The crowd chuckled at my response, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of joy knowing that my characters had left an impact on my readers. As I continued to interact with fans and sign copies of my book, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the unexpected journey that had led me to this moment.

After the event, as I packed up my belongings, I couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that washed over me. The road to success had been challenging, but it had been worth it. And even without a sequel by my side, I knew that our story would live on in the hearts of those who had read it.

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