Chapter 32: Julie (Present Day)

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As I stepped out into the bustling city streets, the distant memories of that magical night at the library flooded my mind, tugging at my heartstrings. Despite knowing it was just a dream, I couldn't shake the lingering feeling of connection I had felt with Will.

I don't know what really happened. How a dream connection brought me here today to face my dream. An author! Who would have thought. And it was all thanks to Will and that magic library.

Distracted by my thoughts, I scarcely registered the hurried footsteps approaching from behind until a familiar hand gently grasped my shoulder, prompting me to turn, while a voice called out my name from nearby.

"Hey, Julie!"

Startled, I stood there frozen. It couldn't be. I was dreaming once again. This time it wasn't a library; it was a beautiful dark lit street. Nobody was around. I turned around, grabbing my arm ready to pinch myself. My heart skipped a beat, my fingers slowly pinching my skin once again, like a person testing the reality of their surroundings, searching for a pinch to wake them from a surreal moment. I didn't want to get hurt this time. But as I was pinching, I couldn't bring myself to pinch harder to wake up at last by this beautiful and transfixed dream.

"Pinching won't help you, baby!" Will's soft voice crashed into me. Tears of joy started to gather at the corner of my eyes.

Will was standing there, a warm smile lighting up his face. It felt surreal, as if the lines between reality and dreams were blurring once again.

"Will?" I whispered, hardly daring to believe my eyes.

He nodded, his smile widening as he closed the distance between us. "Yeah, it's me," he said, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "I couldn't let you go without saying goodbye."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I rushed into his arms, the familiar scent of his cologne wrapping around me like a comforting blanket. It was as if fate had intervened to bring us together once more.

"I thought you were just a dream," I admitted, my voice trembling with emotion.

Will held me close, his embrace offering solace and reassurance. "Sometimes dreams have a way of becoming reality," he whispered, his words sending shivers down my spine.

As we stood there, lost in each other's embrace, I realized that this was where I belonged. With Will by my side, the world seemed brighter, full of endless possibilities.

With a newfound sense of hope and determination, we walked off into the city streets together, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As long as we were together, I knew we could conquer anything that came our way.

As we vanished into the bustling crowd, a sense of gratitude flooded over me for the serendipitous turn of events that had reunited us. In that fleeting moment, I sensed the profound truth that our love was destined, surpassing the confines of both reality and dreams.

"So where have you been for the past two years?" I asked accusatory, with a tone of irony.

Will just smiled. 

Night At The Library (Lost Souls #1)Where stories live. Discover now