Chapter 30: Will (2 days ago)

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With each poem I wrote, I found healing and catharsis, transforming my pain into something beautiful and meaningful. The ink flowed freely from my pen, each word a testament to the depths of my emotions, each verse a step towards healing.

As my reputation as a poet grew, I was afforded opportunities I never could have imagined. I performed at prestigious venues, my words resonating with audiences far and wide. I published collections of poetry, each book a reflection of my journey through darkness into light. And as I embarked on nationwide tours, I shared my words with countless souls, each one touched by the power of poetry.

But amidst the glitz and glamour of success, amidst the applause and accolades, there was a void that could not be filled. Julie. My Julie. She was always there, lingering in the corners of my mind, her absence a constant ache in my heart.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands. I approached my agent, a glimmer of hope in my eyes. "Do you know of Julie?" I asked, my voice trembling with anticipation.

"Julie?!" my agent exclaimed, a smile tugging at her lips. "You mean the author of 'The Girl Of Steel Armor'? She recently came out with a new YA book called 'Night At The Library.'"

My heart skipped a beat. She had made it. Julie had finally achieved her dreams. "Where can I find her?" I asked eagerly, my pulse quickening with excitement.

"She'll be at the local bookstore here in town to talk about it in two days," my agent replied, handing me a copy of Julie's latest book. "Here, take this. You might need it to hit on her. You charming thing."

The past year she saw how every girl had tried asking me out but always I refused. Julie was my constant and I had to find her. She was my one.

Gratitude surged within me as I clutched the book in my hands. "Thank you," I said, my voice choked with emotion.

And so, armed with Julie's book and a heart full of hope, I began to read our story of that unforgettable night two years ago. I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within me. At last, after two years of searching, I would be seeing her again.

Night At The Library (Lost Souls #1)Where stories live. Discover now