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The elevator stopped at 7th floor. We got out of it. He unlocked the door of his apartment. We went inside.

The apartment was so big. He is hella rich. But it looked so lifeless like him.

His apartment looked so dark; the windows and curtains were closed. It was as if the occupants were hiding from the outside world, or perhaps trying to shut out the memories that haunted him. The darkness enveloped the building like a suffocating blanket, creating an eerie and oppressive atmosphere.

The closed windows and curtains hinted at a desire for isolation, a desperate attempt to escape the harsh realities of life. But the darkness could not truly conceal the pain and sorrow that lurked within those walls. It was a darkness that consumed everything, leaving behind only a void of despair.

His apartment looked so lifeless and full of dark sketches. The walls were bare except for a few charcoal drawings that depicted scenes of despair and loneliness. The furniture was sparse and worn, with a threadbare couch and a rickety table. The only light came from a single bulb that hung from the ceiling, casting an eerie glow over the room.

The dark sketches on the walls seemed to writhe and twist, as if they were alive. They depicted shadowy figures, their faces contorted in pain and anguish. Some of the sketches were so disturbing that they seemed to reach out from the paper, threatening to drag the viewer into their abyss of despair.

The apartment was a reflection of its occupant's soul, a place where hope had withered and darkness reigned supreme. It was a place where life had lost its color and only the shadows remained.

I sat on the couch to do the project, and Jimin went to his room to freshen up. After a while, he emerged from his room and headed towards the kitchen. I could hear the clinking of glasses and the rustling of bags as he prepared something. A few minutes later, he returned to the living room, carrying a tray with an assortment of snacks.

I smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Jimin."

He sat beside me on the couch and asked

"What is the project about?"

"Wtf, the professor explained it for an hour. Where was your mind?" I said being annoyed by his question.

"Tch.Okay, then I am not going to help."

"Okay I would explain. Just don't go"

Author pov

The girl, with long, flowing hair and piercing blue eyes, was carefully sketching a design on a piece of paper. The boy, with messy brown hair and a mischievous grin, was typing furiously on a laptop.

They had been working on this project for hours, and the night was growing late. But neither of them seemed to notice the passage of time as they were engrossed in their task. The girl's pencil danced across the paper, creating intricate lines and shapes. The boy's fingers flew over the keyboard, his eyes scanning the screen intently.
They worked in silence, each lost in their own world.

While working on their project, the boy and the girl felt a pang of hunger. They decided to take a break and have dinner. After satisfying their appetites, they returned to their unfinished project.

As the night wore on, the girl began to feel weary. She realized that it was getting late and that she should head home. However, exhaustion had taken its toll, and she found herself unable to resist the pull of sleep. She drifted off into slumber, her head resting on the couch.

After a few minutes Jimin noticed her sleeping. He stared at her face for some time and said,

"Why y/n why?" He murmured.

To be continued...

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