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As I saw him I began to move my hips more sexily.

I looked at him again. He stared at me with his desired eyes. Like he could eat me as his meal.

I stopped dancing. And headed towards his direction looking at his eyes. His stare is becoming more and more intense.

His suit tugged around his arms where his muscles were.

Extremely hot.

I took his tie and grabbed him towards a room and locked the door.

I pushed him on the wall. I brought my face closer to his. His hot breath hit my face.

I kissed the corner of his lips before kissing him passionately. Each second that passed, my kiss against his lips became deeper.

Until, we both could sense stare from out side. The stare was ha..hazardous.

He pushed me away and opened the door and walked out.

I ran to him

"Wait" I said.

He kept walking towards the exit. And kept walking and walking.

I followed him till he stopped infront of that ...boy.

His eyes were dark ...red.

They both stood Infront of eachother as they were rival.

As the boy spoke, " you wanna steal her from me again? Wolf boy."

Wolf? I predicted it after that night when he was injured and I treated his wound. The way his wound healed so quickly. But what that boy meant by 'again'. And when I was his?

Jimin laughed maniacally, " She was never yours Jungkook. And you are engaged to Eunb-

So his name is Jungkook I thought.

Jungkook throwed a punch on his face before he could finish his sentence.

Jimin turned to his wolf form as so Jungkook.

Jimin punched him back and said,"we are fighting again but this time I am going to win. Remember that."

Author POV

In the eerie twilight, a fierce battle raged between two supernatural beings. Their fangs and claws clashed in a deadly dance, each determined to vanquish the other.

Nearby, y/n watched them in horror. Her heart pounded in her chest as she witnessed the brutality of their fight.

Jungkook's eyes glowed crimson with bloodlust, his movements swift and deadly. Jimin's fur bristled with rage, his claws extended like daggers. The air crackled with tension as they exchanged blows, each strike echoing through the area.

Y/n's tears flowed freely as she watched the senseless violence. She couldn't bear to see two creatures tearing each other apart. Desperation surged through her as she realized she had to do something.

With trembling hands, y/n stepped between the combatants. Her voice, filled with both fear and sorrow, pierced the chaos. "Stop!" she cried. "Please, stop fighting!"

But her words were met with indifference. Jungkook and Jimin were locked in a deadly embrace, their primal instincts driving them forward. Y/n's pleas were lost in the cacophony of their battle.

As the fight raged on, y/n's tears turned to sobs," Did I do something wr.. wrong.?" With that she ran away from that place crying and sobbing.

To be continued...

Votes and comments are appreciated.

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