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Second update for today because I want be updating for a few days...a week at the most.


Can you believe it, I am married to my long-time crush. I am Mrs Neil Atkins. I still can't digest it. He and Ed being friends was even a bigger shock for me. Everyone portrayed them as bloodthirsty enemies.

After we landed, Neil took us to a hotel to freshen up and have our lunch before we went and met Ed. I declined the offer but he was insistent. I told I wanted to meet Ed first as he might be waiting for us but Neil said that he needed rest so we would let him rest and meet him after lunch.

Neil is different from Mr Neil Atkins. I mean my husband is different from my boss. My husband knows how to joke and lighten my mood. He cares for me and shows it in small actions.

I was a little uncomfortable when we were getting our rooms because I was certain he would book only one room as we were already married. But he asked for two and told me that I could come to his room whenever I felt sad or lonely.

I was confused, I didn't know what to expect from this wedding and it was making me restless. As he was about to go into his room, I held his arm to stop him.

"Neil I want to talk, please."

"Don't you ever say please to me, you go and have a bath first, your fresh clothes are all in there. Come to my room after you are done, while I'll order lunch. We will eat and talk. Okay, Mrs Atkins."

I nodded
I blushed
I ran away

After taking a relaxing bath, I changed into a cute summer dress. I did my hair, skipped makeup and left for his room.

When I went there, Neil was on his phone talking to someone, he signalled me to sit and give him 5 minutes.

When he was done, our lunch also arrived.
"I didn't know what you preferred so I ordered a little of everything. By the way, what do you want to talk about?"

I lost my tongue, seeing so much food on the table. For a second I forgot what I wanted to talk about.

"Yes, I wanted to ask how this marriage is going to work, I don't know what to expect or how to react. It gets me confused. Like while getting the room, I thought we would get one room but you got us separate ones, which I am thankful for. So can you like, tell me how we will move forward from here, this is not a traditional wedding where you fall first and then marry for love. Here I don't know what to expect from you or what you expect from me. Sorry for rambling but I hope you got my point."

I said it all in one breath, which for some reason was amusing for Neil. When he noticed me glaring at him, he fake coughed to cover up his smile.

"I understand you Avaline, and I know all this is very new for us. Though it is not a typical marriage, but it is still very important to me and though we haven't taken the vows yet, I promise to fulfil them to the best I can.
I promise to care for you, protect you, cherish you and be with you from this day forward, for better or for worse.
I expect you to just be you Ava, be your true self in front of me, not the facade you wear for the world. Be the Ava Edmund talks for hours about.
What we have is very beautiful for me Ava. We can share like friends, cuddle to sleep like boyfriend and girlfriend then you can count on me like a husband that I am. Let's enjoy this Mrs Atkins because it is special, if not more than any typical wedding."

His words were so beautiful that I couldn't stop myself from running into his arms. In his arms, I felt safe. I felt safe with Ed as well but this was different.

When we parted, he pecked my forehead, making me blush. Then we had our lunch together.

At the hospital.

I can't stop my tears from flowing when I look at Ed. He was wrapped in bandages, connected to numerous tubes. Doctors told me he slipped into a coma and that his body's way to rest and recover. But they can't tell we would wake up.

I sat on the chair near the bed Ed was sleeping on. Neil stood beside me. He wasn't crying like me but his eyes were shining with unshed tears. I could feel the bond they both shared. While my right hand was holding Ed's hand, with my left hand I held Neil's hand. I wanted to tell him that everything would be fine and that I was also there for him.

"Ed, why are you testing me like this? I don't like it when you tease me but I hate it when you don't. I can't live without you Ed, so much has happened in these two days, and my world flipped. Thanks to Neil, things are getting back on track. By the way, get up soon so I can murder you for not telling me about my boss being your best friend and for mocking my coffee. I'll punish you and make you drink a jug of my coffee. Please come back to me before I come to you." I said with tears rolling down. Neil had gone to meet the doctor and I was alone with Ed. It was almost night now. I wasn't in the mood for dinner, neither was Neil so we just had a sandwich for the hospital canteen.

Neil came back after a few minutes,

"Ava, I talked with the doctor, and he said everything is in control, we just have to wait for our lazy King to wake up. My man will drop you off at the hotel as I will stay with Ed tonight."

"Not happening Neil, I am not going anywhere," I said firmly.

"Ava it is the hospital's rule only one person can stay for the night."

"Neil tens of your men were here and you are saying you can't use your ways to let both of us stay here. I know you can make it happen."

"Fine, I can but I don't want you to stay here for the whole night."

"Then ask your stupid best friend to wake up soon." I don't know why I shouted at Neil.

Neil didn't say anything just came towards me and tightly held me in his arms.

"Let it out, Ava. Don't hide your tears. Cry all you want."

And I did, my tears wet his shirt as I hid my face on his chest. I cried because my brother was in this state because of my father. How could a father be this cruel? He wanted me to marry a man of his age just for some money. That's not how a parent should be. I cried because I was scared. Scared of losing my brother again.

Neil patiently patted my hair and allowed me to cry all I wanted. I was thankful that at least something good happened.

Neil happened.

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

QOTD: White chocolate, Milk chocolate or Dark chocolate.

I love Dark chocolate

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