Chapter 1-Departure

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Jessica stood at the edge of the cliff, her heart pounding against her ribcage. The wind whipped through her hair, carrying with it the scent of saltwater and freedom. Below, the churning sea beckoned, its waves crashing against the jagged rocks. She had always been drawn to the ocean—the vast expanse that held secrets and promises.

Her past clung to her like a heavy cloak. The memories of betrayal, loss, and shattered dreams weighed her down. But here, on the precipice, she had a choice. She could remain tethered to the pain, or she could leap into the unknown.

"Why are you doing this, Jessica?" a voice echoed in her mind. It was her mother's voice—the same voice that had once sung lullabies and whispered encouragement. But now, it was a haunting reminder of everything she wanted to escape.

"Because I need to find out if there's more to life," Jessica whispered to the wind. "I want to know if there's magic beyond the mundane, if love exists beyond heartbreak."

She stepped forward, her toes curling over the edge. The abyss yawned before her, both terrifying and exhilarating. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The fall would either break her or set her free.

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