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Around 12 am I get a call on my phone. I was mad. Who is it? Do they not have common sense? I lazily picked up my phone, opening my eyes slightly to see who it was and I frowned when I saw there was no name but just a number.

I yawned and picked up the call, it had started to annoy my ears now. "Hello?" I said, in my sleepy voice. A soft chuckle could be heard through the phone. It felt as if I've heard this before but due to my sleepiness, I couldn't process whose voice it was.

"How have you been?" This familiar deep voice...Haruto...I sat on my bed quickly and started speaking "Haruto!!" I almost yelled. I had missed him very much. "Day 1 without you...it's so difficult...I couldn't but think about u even in my dreams.." he said and I blushed.

"Haruto, it's literally 12 am...why did you call so late?" I asked. He seemed to be sipping on some juice "Dummy, it's 11 am for me...I just woke up.." I nodded "And first thing you did was call me.." I said softly. He chuckled "Ofcourse..you are my lucky charm.."

I was laying on my stomach, kicking my feet in the air and resting my face on my hand, with my elbows propped up. I was smiling like crazy. I had missed him. "Sooo it's my first day here and this city is so good, I swear!"
He said and I smiled "Ofcourse, I am so happy for you, did Hana find a school or something?"

Haruto hummed "She has gotten enrolled in some school which provides online classes too so she's gonna attend those, said she doesn't feel like doing anything without you"

Aww.. "Take care of her okay? Don't act like a weirdo as always.." Haruto chuckled "How has your day been?" He asked. I sighed and I could feel he frowned "Was it that bad?" He asked.

"Well no!! Actually I got a new job, they pay me good" Kenji's and my hot make out session flashed infront of my eyes and I quickly shrugged those thoughts away. "Oh!! What job?? Are you happy there??" He asked.

I licked my lips, I wasn't very happy here but they paid me good so.. "Ofcourse! It's nice here, I don't have to go back to my house, they've given me my own room, free food, nice treatment...whatelse could I wish for?" I said.

"Me.." Haruto said, softly. My heart started beating faster. "I want to bring you here soon...just let me make a name here...I want to be successful and keep you with me.." He said softly.

"I don't think your wife would like that" I teased him. He chuckled "Well she has to...she is so cute you know? So cute and such a wonderful person...I'll bring her with me...go on world tours with her... take her everywhere with me...give her everything that she had ever wanted...and then have a beautiful wedding with her in Japan when she is ready for it...and when she feels like it, we'll start our own little family.."

I blushed "And who is she..?" I asked, teasing him and more like wanting to confirm its about me... "The one I kissed before leaving Japan.." He said in a soft voice "It was such a beautiful kiss you know..? It hasn't left my mind since...those soft lips...just how perfectly my lips fit over those...how sweet they were.."

I couldn't help but blush alot and bury my face in my pillow. It's undeniable, I like him alot...but I am still not very sure about us...what if he finds someone in NYC..? Because he will be living there for a few years and...girls are so pretty there...I didn't want to get my hopes high and then get my heart broken.

"Haruto.." I said in a sleepy voice "Yes my heart.." stop, why is he being so sweet all of sudden, weirdo.. "I'll sleep now okay? I've to wake up early.." I could hear the disappointment in his voice "Okay....but I'll call you later, so pick it up, alright..?" I smiled "Ofcourse Haru..if I'm not doing something else.."

"Btw I forgot to ask you.." he said and continued speaking "Whats your job?"
He asked. "Well I'm working as a maid here for The Takahashis..their sons..and don't worryy, they don't really make me do much, there are so many other maids and Butlers too. I just have to clean their three rooms and do their laundry and cook for these three and myself if I wish to, otherwise the chefs do that"

Haruto hummed "Guys..hm..?" He asked and I said a yes. "Don't get too close to them...you don't know how guys are.." oh I know it so well now.. "Okay Haruto, I won't" He hummed again "Okay sweetheart, goodnight"

I smiled "Goodnight Haruto, have a great day ahead and don't forget to eat during the day!" He just chuckled, we both said bye and ended the call.

I sighed deeply. I missed him and Hana, alot..alot.. I hope they return soon or maybe I save enough to go and meet them.. Atleast they'll be successful, that's what I'm happy about..

I closed my eyes, Haruto's face flashing infront of my eyes. That day when he kissed me and left.. everything was still so fresh in my mind that it still gave me tingles. I couldn't help but touch my lips and smile.

I pulled the blankets up and started to fall asleep.


Who is Haruto..? Somebody heard from outside the door and then they left. Who is Haruto...?

To be continued!

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