Chapter 2: The Divine Dragon

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Everyone in the reception hall stared at the newcomer with wide eyes. I watched as my companions reached for their swords, taking defensive stances as they got up from their chairs. Their faces became so stiff I almost mistook the situation for the Emperor unexpectedly marching in. Curious, I turned around to get a view, since I had my back to the entrance.

I gotta admit; I've never seen someone knit their eyebrows so tightly in displeasure. I would have found it amusing if it weren't for the daggers he was glaring in our direction.

A boy showed up at the door, obviously pissed off because of who-knows-what. His figure, outlined by the dim light outside, featured obsidian long hair tied in a puffy-looking ponytail. A rebel tuft stood out, giving him a childish look. Cute. His handso-I mean fairly decent visage was framed by unruly bangs. An interesting sight to behold. I noted that his black clothes and the sword tied to his waist matched those of the disciples. He stomped over to our table, fuming. Upon locking a pair of hot-pink eyes with my emerald ones, he was briefly surprised before redirecting his gaze to the initial targets..

"I've been outside working my ass off this late while you are getting all cozy and chatty at a damned inn?! How dare you?!?" He cracked his knuckles. Hard. The onlookers flinched at the dangerous aura he was emitting.

Jo Gul slightly lowered his sword and gestured for him to sit down as he tried to appease his temper. "Cheongmyeong, let's calm down a bit and talk this through, alright?"
That was clearly the wrong move.
"Calm down, CALM DOWN?!? Are you serious??? We've been here for two weeks, TWO WEEKS I'm telling you, only to be brushed off by some ingrate old fuck??? We are oh soooo close to regaining the heirloom that's been in our possession for hundreds of years and all you have to say is 'let's talk this through'?" I could almost see smoke coming out of his ears. He took Jo Gul by the collar of his robe.

Yunjong tapped my back discretely, so I glanced at him. His embarrassment surfaced a little when he gestured towards Cheongmyeong and mimicked saying 'That's him'. So the Divine Dragon of Mount Hua and my only way to salvation is this angry boy? I wouldn't have guessed. This is going to be a lot more difficult than expected. I was convinced that Baek Cheon was the warrior from the rumors: he seems like a reliable and well-groomed boy, has a higher rank than the others since he introduced them as 'junior brothers', and if the martial arts sects work similarly to the military system, then he must be more experienced in—

"And who is she?" My train of thought was suddenly interrupted because of Cheongmyeong, who was now right behind my chair. Cautiously, I turned around.
"My name is Lou. I assume you're the famous Divine Dragon?"
His eyes narrowed slightly. "Yes, yes, that's me. Good to meet you. Now I suggest you go about your business. There's a lot of things I must... discuss with my senior brothers that I'd rather be private. Bye." The smile he plastered on his face was full of false hospitality as he pulled my chair and swiftly grabbed my arm to hoist me up. I felt the wound on my leg split open once again when my weight was forced on it and cried out.

"Hey, stop! She's got cut all over earlier today!" Baek Cheon immediately came by my side to help me sit and pushed Cheongmyeong. His anger quickly gave way to surprise as he backed away.

"...It wasn't my intention to hurt you. I apologize." The boy wasted no second to interrogate the others. "What the fuck happened while I was gone?! What part of 'don't cause a damned scene' did you not understand?!? Now someone's hurt and we sure as hell don't have the time nor the money to make amends!" The Divine Dragon's fury sparked back to life as more colorful swear words flowed out of his mouth.

I waved off Baek Cheon. "It's alright, you didn't know. The bandages are under my clothes, so they're not visible. Also, it isn't their fault. They already helped me more than enough. I'm indebted to them." Cheongmyeong's expression showed no sign of growing softer. "If it's not too much to ask, may I know what item you're looking for?"

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