1334: The Cost of Internet Access

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This afternoon, Han Suiping felt like he was running a fever, alternating between feeling hot and cold.

At one moment, he thought it was too risky; what if he got caught? But then he remembered the novel he hadn't finished reading online last time and couldn't resist the itch. He even registered for a social networking site account, and he was wondering if anyone had replied to him after all this time. He had paid such a high price to get online. He couldn't bear the thought of sneaking back home empty-handed. Besides, if he didn't do it this time, would he ever have the chance to go online again in his lifetime?

Would it be safer to go when it's late and quiet?

Clutching the railing tightly, Han Suiping scanned the area, spotting several surveillance cameras watching over the deck.

It's fine, it's fine. His cool breath trembled in his abdomen. He was afraid to exhale as if fearing it would reveal his thoughts. There were cameras on the ship, but not out at sea. If he faced the sea, with his back to the surveillance, he could still hide the presence of the computer.

First, he needed something for illumination to cover the light from the computer screen. Although the phone was small, turning on the flashlight was quite bright, and he also had a portable reading lamp, which solved this problem. Secondly, he needed to cover himself and the computer with a blanket. Although it looked strange, it made sense in the cold sea breeze of the night.

He decided not to take the computer out of the color book but to open it directly. If someone came by, he could just close the book. The more he thought about it, the more feasible it seemed. Besides, it's not like someone would stare at every surveillance screen without blinking 24 hours a day. If he went to the top deck of the cruise ship, it would be even safer; there would be fewer people there, fewer cameras, and less surveillance value.

He tossed and turned about his plan to go online and walked the route from his room to the top deck several times, ensuring nothing unexpected would happen. Finally, he nervously awaited the night. Due to nervous exhaustion, he fell asleep in a daze around seven or eight in the evening. By the time it was past one o'clock, he suddenly woke up without an alarm clock, his heart pounding, and he couldn't sleep anymore.

It was time.

Han Suiping packed everything into his bag, intentionally wore a large coat and hat, and quietly left the room. The corridor was quiet, with dim lights, leftover trays piled up next to the neighboring rooms, and most people should be asleep.

He didn't take the elevator because the lights in the elevator shaft were too bright, making him feel exposed. He climbed up the stairs floor by floor, and when he reached the fourth floor, he suddenly heard faint music and laughter from a room at the end of the corridor - it seemed that some young people were still playing in the middle of the night.

Han Suiping swallowed a mouthful of saliva, thinking it shouldn't affect him, and continued upstairs. As he approached the top of the stairs, he saw a pair of feet appear, causing him to hold his breath momentarily. Pretending to be nonchalant, as the two were about to pass each other, the person suddenly asked, "Hey, you're not asleep yet?"

Han Suiping looked up and saw a somewhat familiar girl holding a tray of drinks, apparently heading back to the room downstairs. He remembered that non-alcoholic drinks were provided on the fifth floor.

"I sat next to you this afternoon," she said, looking at him strangely. "Where are you going?"

Han Suiping's ears were filled with the rushing sound of blood, his heart beating almost without pause, and he heard himself stutter, "I... I can't sleep; just going out for some fresh air."

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