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The werewolf howled in rage, but the vampire was too fast. In a blur of motion, we were  soaring through the night sky. I clung to the vampire, my heart racing as we went another way to the jungle darker and even deeper.

I felt that this place was vampires territory.

As the world rushed by beneath us, I couldn't help but wonder - had I just traded one danger for another?

                         Author POV

In the blink of an eye, she found herself in an opulent, dimly lit chamber - the inner sanctum of the vampire's lair, a grand castle hidden deep within the wilderness.

Gently, the vampire guided her to a plush, ornate bed, his touch sending tingles down her spine. "You are safe here," he murmured, his voice rich and velvety and flashed within a blink of an eye. As she sank into the soft mattress, an overwhelming sense of both fear and fascination washed over her.

The room was opulent, with high ceilings and ornate furnishings. Yet an unmistakable chill permeated the air, and y/n couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched from somewhere?

Her eyelids grew heavy, and soon she drifted off to sleep, unaware of the and pale, otherworldly figure lurking in the darkened corner of the room.


"Tell me why they sent you?" Jungkook spoke as he put his head again in water until he was out breath.

"I am sorry p..please let me go-"

"Again with this shit. I will let you go if you tell me what they want from us" Jungkook  growled in annoyed.

"T..they wan..t to declare war against you and sen..t me to spy on your territory" he  was trying to catch his breathe as Jungkook punched his face.

"Go and tell them that I declared war against them. Be prepared." As Jungkook broke his chains with his bare hands.

"Are you sure about that prince."? Jungkook's right hand a.k.a Louis appeared.

"Damn sure". Jungkook spoke as the werewolf ran away to save his life.

"There's another werewolf who is staying in our domain. Are you aware of that?" Louis questioned as they both walked from that place.

"Hmm. I know" he smirked.


I slowly got to my feet and began to explore this nightmarish abode. The flickering torchlight cast eerie shadows that danced along the stone walls, filling me with a sense of unease.

"This place is horrendous" I murmured.

My footsteps echoed through the grand halls as I walked slowly, every creak of the floorboards making me jump. The shadows seemed to loom, watching my every move.

Suddenly, a massive wall tapestry came into view. I stared at the intricate design, my eyes drawn to a strange movement within the fabric. I squinted, trying to make out the shape. Then, to my absolute terror, a figure began to stir and twist, emerging from the tapestry itself.

I gulped hard, frozen in fear as this unholy sight unfolded before me. What dark magic was this? I had to get away, but my legs felt like lead.

Just then, a presence loomed behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Slowly, I turned, coming face to face with the vampire himself.


To be continued...

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