1346: A Farewell

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"They must have sent you here."

When He Huan spoke these words, his expression was very calm.

He had indeed been suspicious of him all along. Since this moment was bound to come sooner or later, this was his chance to be sincere.

Guan Hailian lowered his head, looking at the table's texture, and after half a minute, he finally said, "Yes."

But the following words from He Huan caught him off guard.

"You didn't actually cooperate with them properly, did you?"

Guan Hailian straightened up abruptly. "Yes! I didn't—how did you know—I admit, I reported the location at first. But I didn't reveal the rest of the plan—"

He Huan hmmed. His facial features were as delicate as if drawn with a brush. He usually looked calm and indifferent, but when he furrowed his brows, he almost didn't look like himself, showing this extremely conflicted and hesitant expression for the first time.

He tapped the table with his fingers, seemingly awkward, which was rare for him. "After the big failures with the adrenaline and the cruise ship, you revealed less and less information... Why?"

He Huan had indeed been observing his every move. The more he knew, the more he would understand Guan Hailian's intentions, which was good.

"Logically, when the hope of escape becomes increasingly slim, you should cooperate with them better to try to gain some advantage for yourself in the future. But you did the opposite." He Huan shook his head, resting his elbow on the table, and said, "I really don't understand. I want to hear your explanation."

He blinked his eyes, clearly waiting earnestly for Guan Hailian's answer. Guan Hailian felt pressured as if he was under the spotlight. "I... I think what Lin Sanjiu said makes sense."

"Oh? What makes sense?" He Huan leaned forward, asking.

"She said, no matter how difficult it is, we can get through it," Guan Hailian stuttered, not entirely understanding why He Huan suddenly interviewed him. "No, I think she knows what needs to be done to escape this world and which direction to work towards. She also has confidence and the ability to carry out this plan to the end. I think... she will succeed."

"Why do you think she will succeed?" He Huan asked further.

He genuinely wanted to know Guan Hailian's answer, as if... as if he hoped his words would give him a new perspective on the issue, make sense to him, and reassure him.

Guan Hailian stared at the man across the table, and for the first time, he realized that perhaps He Huan's loss of confidence was more severe than any of them.

"She, she has the conditions needed for success." Guan Hailian understood this unease very well and hoped to do his best to ease He Huan's anxiety, saying, "She has leadership, decisiveness, bravery, and is good at uniting others."

He Huan slowly relaxed his brows.

Leaning forward to listen to Guan Hailian's words, he seemed to regain his usual composure for a moment, even nodding—apparently, his words were effective.

Guan Hailian felt relieved, looking at He Huan, but saw a hint of undisguised disappointment on his face.

"I really want to leave. I don't like this place."

After a while, He Huan lowered his head, looking at his fingers tightening and relaxing, and whispered, "After understanding Lin Sanjiu's plan, I had placed great hope in her... We have evolved to this point, not just to survive like pigs and dogs. I want more than just survival, and that's not excessive. So, I sincerely hope she can find a way out, and I'll do everything I can to help her."

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