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The crow's eyes were red as hell. She hasn't seen a crow with red eyes ever in her life.

Felix spoke as his gaze darkened," This time it's not a werewolf but a demon, huh?"


Felix made his way to  Jungkook's chamber. His footsteps were light and graceful as he navigated the dark, winding corridors of the vampire castle.

Felix reached the ornate doors to Jungkook's quarters and paused, taking a deep, steadying breath. He then pushed the doors open and strode inside, his crimson cape billowing behind him dramatically.

"Brother," Felix purred.

Jungkook looked up, his piercing gaze fixing on Felix. "What is it?" he asked, his deep voice rumbling like distant thunder.

"A demon was spying at our territory at a crow's form." Felix said.

"Where?" Jungkook questioned.

"In front of y/n's room" hearing this Jungkooks gaze darkened.

"You didn't kill it?" Jungkook growled.

"S.. sorry brother I failed to kill it" Being ashamed Felix took his head down.

Jungkook went to his younger brother and held his head up,"Don't be ashamed. Always raise your head up not down. And Don't disappoint me next time like that."

"Brother I think they know about our current conflict against werewolves. They are the one who started this conflict. When we are both weak by fighting each other they will take both of us down. That's what I think their plan is." Felix tried to express his thoughts.

"Um.. I am aware of that. You can go now. " Jungkook went to his work after that.


                            Y/n POV

The castle's cold walls whispered secrets of the night as I lay in the dimly lit room, a prisoner not by chains, but by an unseen force that held me within these ancient stones. Boredom weighed heavily upon my eyelids, luring me into a reluctant slumber, a respite from the eerie silence.

In the depths of my dreams, I wandered through a labyrinth of terror, chased by shadows that bore fangs dripping with malice. Their hisses clawed at my sanity, a cacophony of nightmares that crescendoed until my heart could bear no more. With a gasp, I awoke, the echo of my own breath the only sound in the suffocating stillness.

It was a dream that chilled me to the bone, a nightmare that would haunt even the bravest of souls.

Oh god I wanna go home.

Determined to flee this gothic prison, I tiptoed across the room, my every step a silent plea for freedom. The moon, a sliver of hope in the night sky, guided me through corridors draped in velvet darkness.

Until he appeared from the back – Jungkook, his eyes a tempest of desire.

"Going somewhere?" he murmured, a smirk playing upon his lips. I stood frozen, caught in the gaze of his.

"I... I was just..." My voice faltered.

"It's not safe outside, baby girl."


To be continued....

Votes and comments are appreciated.


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