➡ Chapter One: Heartbreak

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If there's one thing we all experience in life - its heartbreak. That could be romance wise or family or even friend wise if it was that special and important to you. Have you ever had something that special to you? It was worthing living every day in a world where god known what could happen at any second. I mean people these days are crazy.

Well I did, or I thought I did. I had this amazing boyfriend, together since 6th grade year. Thought he was the one. We went back way back. You see he's step dad was best friends with my older brother and well we became friends real fast. He was a year older than but refuse to not be in the grade as me. He got held back in 2nd with me on purpose so we could be together.

In that second year of 2nd grade. We kissed under the slide on a raining day. We sneak our way out of the after school's program to the play ground as the rain poured like hell. He was my knight in shining denim, always wearing jeans - he did. His tuffs of blonde like the sun and I loved every second of it as he held my small hands as we watched the rain drop.

He turned to and said," Lily, I don't want the rain to stop."

I looked at him confused. "But with the rain, there's no sunshine or playing or having fun." He was a silly boy, he didn't want to stop and when he told me why, my heart knew this was the boy who stole my heart. My first love.

He held my hands tighter but not too tight. His blue eyes looking in my grey ones. "Then I can't be with you and you are my sunshine," and like that was our first kiss under the slide in 2nd grade. Later that year on Valentines day, we met under the slide after snack time and there he promised me, we wed as soon we graduated high school. He proposed with a blue ring pop, my favorite. And I accepted the ring and we shared a kiss once again before the teacher almost caught us.

I know we were real cheesy huh? But it was cute. We took by each other's side every day after that. We had every class, lunch and recess together. We didnt mind not hanging with the other kids, we enjoyed each other's company very much. But we did have other friends like Billy and Maddy and the twins. We just liked each other more. We held hands every where to the point where everyone just didnt question not even our family.

By the end of 5th grade, we were all leaving Science Camp. It was most exciting week of my life and his cabin was right above mine, so we sit outside and watch the sunset and sunrise as tradition whenever we had sleepovers as kids. He held my hand like always and looked down at our hands then at me but I was too focused on the beauty that was the sunrise as it was day we were leaving Science Camp. The week had gone by so fast. I almost wish it didnt end.

"Beautiful..." He murmured. I thought he was talking of the sunrise. Sunrises were beautiful, the birth of a new day. A day that has impossible things to be explored and new things to learn. New things to try for the first time.

"Yea it is..." I agreed in awe of the colors of orange, pink, purple and the soft blue as the sun slowly peered above the mountains. I looked to him and saw him staring at me. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked panicking.

He chuckled making my cheek goes red. "No, you're just...beautiful and yet you don't even know it."

And like that, we became a thing. So many saw us coming from miles away. Some didnt, like his mom. His mom hated me cause of my older sister when they were kids, she slept with his step dad. Crazy I know right? Talk about family drama huh. That didnt stop us, in fact we lasted pretty long. Still Valentines Day Dance, 8th grade year. I walked in and I was looking my finest, in all my glory. My girls following right behind.

And there he was making out with another girl, the slut of the school. Jessica.... My heart broke, I ran home in tears. My life at home and school was pretty bad as it was. And I tried to end it all with pills. That lead me no way, unfortunately. Instead I was moved to live my sister, Ana. She was single and actually my step sister. But she was family and I trusted her. Her and my older half sister, Gia lived together and raising Gia's kids - Haley and Ethan. Gia had a new boyfriend named Cody. He's was a git, a real jerk if you ask me. Not even cute looking if you asked me. Ana would agree.

So thats where I am, living with two sisters, my sister's boyfriend and my niece and nephew. And drama doesn't began to cover the shit we go through. We're so dramatic and realistic, maybe we should have a reality show. Cause the kind of shit we do and what happens to us, isn't stuff you can make up.

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