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Bad luck is always with you
You don't believe it
Well fuc- uh I mean what the hell
So this what happened why DECEMBER 18
Is the worst day for me
First I was going to school had to pick up a ride in a motorcycle Of my mother (hehe love you mom ❤️)
Then I have to much stuff in my hand it was raining
And I have my umbrella which is color red (my fav color)
And then on my other hand is my water jug
For fuck sakes I'm carrying so many things
When the motorcycle starts moving
I had to carry my back pack my water jug and my goddamn umbrella 🌂
Then what happened the rain stops so I closed my umbrella we're half way from school
And then guess what IT SLIPPED THROUGH MY HAND!!(curse you life ur a dick sometimes -_-)
Good thing my mom didn't hear the falling umbrella cuz if she did I'd be dead by now from
Yelling at me so I look back and then a old geezer stole my freaking umbrella (Nooooo!😭)
I was so pissed from what happened I mean seriously WTF life

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