Chapter 1

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Forget. Forget. Forget. Echoed through Kelsey's mind. Two drinks wasn't enough. She needed the full bar of alcohol to forget what had happened. She wouldn't think of her dad or her brother in pain as they lay dying. The only thing she would focus on was the alcohol.

With the late flight, she'd told Gramps he could pick her up in the morning. The old coot didn't need to be driving so far this late. Plus, one night in town with a bar full of alcohol would help her get her head straight.

The bartender placed another shot in front of her along with a beer, giving her hope of erasing the rogue thoughts clouding her mind. She lifted the glass to take a drink when her eyes caught broad shoulders and a sexy smile. She blinked, focusing on the guy in the mirror. A thick beard covered his rugged face, dark eyes met hers, and hot lust ripped through her. An image the FBI agent had shown her flashed in her mind, and she shivered. Alcohol hadn't helped her forget what her brother and dad had been through, but maybe sex would.

She put the shot glass to her lips and threw it back quick like her dad had taught her. That thought burned worse than the tequila, and she almost lost it. Her shoulders curled in as anguish filled her. Forcing the pain away, she sat up straight then turned to stare at the hot guy. He was a little rough around the edges, but that's what she wanted. She wanted dangerous and dirty sex that would blank her brain of the twisted memories of her father and brother's painful death.

The man turned to face her, his brows lifted. Normally, she wouldn't hit on guys at bars like this, but she didn't care how desperate she looked today. She moved to the stool next to his and decided the blunt approach was best.

"You're hot, and I need sex. How about we finish our drinks and then you come back to my room?"

The guy's eyes flicked lower. His lips curved into a wicked smile when his gaze met hers again. "It's dangerous to pick up guys like me in a bar."

"You don't scare me." She thought maybe her words slurred from the alcohol she'd already consumed. This was crazy, which made it even more dangerous. Maybe he'd inflict some pain to take away from the slicing agony in her heart. "Besides, I want a little danger."

"Why don't you go back to your room alone? It would be safer."

The guy sounded too logical, but logic had no place in her life at the moment. No doubt, she'd spend the night crying if she went back to her room alone. She shook her head. "I don't care about safe, not tonight."

He studied her face as he took a long pull from his beer. She mimicked him, finishing about half of a new bottle she'd received with the shot. He gave a sharp nod before he turned to face the bartender.

"Her tab clear?"

"It is," the bartender said.

He threw a ten down on the dark wood surface and stood as he held out his hand. She took it and stepped off her stool, her knees dipping a little before she straightened. He was a few inches taller than her, which was nice for a change. Usually, guys were shorter which made dating in high school not so much fun. Hell, she'd always been a little too much for guys. Intimidated by her height, her looks, her intelligence, or maybe one of the other many things that defined her, men shied away.

After two steps she wobbled and reached out. The guy held out his arm, and she took it, glad he was willing to help her. Walking took concentration, but with her hand on his arm, it was difficult to think.

Dating around hadn't been her thing. She liked to get to know a guy before sex which meant she didn't sleep around. She wasn't a prude, but not once had she ever taken a guy back to a hotel room. One time, she'd gone back to a guy's room, but it had only been the one time. When she stepped into the lobby, a twist of self-conscious guilt raced through her, but no one questioned them as they walked over to the elevator.

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