Chapter Ten

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Edited: 5-19-24

Void's POV

I was glad to wake back up in Daeus' arms. He hadn't put me down or left me. Which I felt myself trying to thank him, but my words wouldn't work. It resulted in a weird, bird-like chirping sound, probably another thing the Bugs had done to me. He looked down at me and started to pet my hair again. Suddenly remembering the other Honeycomb, I quickly looked around the room, but when I realized it was just Daeus and I, I relaxed. I could spend all my time here, in his arms, and be perfectly happy. I didn't need humans or Earth or anyone else. Daeus would keep me safe. He'd keep me alive and well, something not even my own species had done for me.

"Do humans have bathroom rituals?" Daeus' voice caught my attention and I stared up at his face. He started to move again, but as long as it was just us, I didn't mind it. The sound of his double hearts was really calming, but when I realized he was trying to sit me on the floor, I struggled to remain in his grasp. I grabbed onto his arm that wasn't holding me and tried to pull myself closer to him, looking up into his eyes that seemed to be filled with confusion. "It's okay, Void," He tried to soothe me, but I didn't want to be put down. "No one's going to snatch you up, we're alone. You're safe." He placed me on the floor and held me there with his two bottom hands while he petted my hair with one of his top hands. 

Daeus let go of me when I didn't try to get him to pick me up again and moved his arms away from me, but he remained seated. I wondered if he was trying to tell me it was okay to be out of his arms. But was it really? Was it okay to be alone? Was it okay to be by myself? Could I be safe out of his grasp? I was so small compared to him. Just one of his hands was the size of my face. His world had to be large if it's main inhabitants were as large as they were. That meant everything on this world was most likely to be larger than everything on Earth! So many things could harm me and I didn't even know what these demons would look like! The panic that I felt flaring up in the back of my head was unreasonable and trying to ignore it was nauseating.

"See," Daeus spoke. "Not so bad." His words were on time as well. If the silence had gone on and allowed my mind to spin out of control with wild conspiracies I might have gone into another panic attack. I was safe. I was safe. I am safe.

Determined not to be out of his hold for long, I placed my arms on the ground and tried to push myself into a standing position. I hadn't stood on my own for so long, my muscles were weak. I stumbled forward and latched onto Daeus' front leg. His crimson fur was so soft, I was slightly mesmerized by it and ran my fingers through his fur, but moving made me realize how much I needed to pee. Did Honeycomb's have a bathroom like humans? I'm sure if they did, it'd be way to big for me. Heck, I only just realized I was still naked, but Daeus hadn't seemed to mind my nudity. Technically he was naked as well aside from his fur.

I whined in the back of my throat and looked up at him. "Are you okay? The doctor said the Dust drug should also act as a painkiller. I did apply some before you woke up the first time." His voice was soft, but there was a slight worried tinge to it. I whined again and looked down before back up. How could I ask if he had a toilet I could use if he couldn't understand me and my voice didn't want to make sound? I didn't want to be indecent, nor act like an animal, but Honeycomb are nearly half animal. Imagining them sitting on a toilet or something of the sort seemed kind of hard to think of. "Yupo did say you'd need to potty after you woke up. Is that the case?" He bent over and picked me up again. 

Happy to be back in Daeus' arms, I relaxed. A mistake because as soon as the tension left my body, I peed. Both Daeus and I froze. He was mid standing up and I just buried my head in his chest, embarrassed. I was so stupid and unable to stop it, my body to weak to even listen to me. A part of me was expecting to get punished and it made me fearful, but Daeus wouldn't hurt me. Would he? "Oh, it's okay, Void." Daeus cooed. "No harm done. I imagine you've not had the best care. A few accidents here or there won't hurt anything. From what has been observed, humans don't tend to just go anywhere like most pet animals. I'll just show you the bathroom and we'll work on a few commands that you can try to speak with me. Okay?"

He was walking and when he sat me down, we were in a different room. This room wasn't as large as his room had been, instead it comfortably fit only Daeus and I. On one end, there was a large flat, white stone-like surface that had a large edge between either wall that came up to my shoulders. On the other side of the door, that was across from the shower-like area was a large bowl that was pushed up against the wall. 

On the other side of the door was a sink. "It's not much, but then again, us Ehkad don't generally have to use a bathroom but three times a week. It's a very undignified thing that sort of reverts us back to that animal part of us, ya know?" He showed me to the toilet and I nodded. Hopefully he took that as me understanding what it was for. "But let's give you a bath, little one. I think the water will really help your wings and tail."

Slowly, Daeus came forward and grabbed lightly onto my bandaged wings. He unwrapped the bandages and picked me up, holding me in his two left arms. I watched as he pressed a few buttons carved into the wall and all of a sudden, water started to pour from the roof. It startled me for a moment. Seeing as how modest their homes were, made from mud, clay, and straw, it was surprising at how modern everything inside of it was. There wasn't a knob to turn on the water or even an overhead spout where the water came from, it just came from the roof, but I think I noticed a very small interlaced net just under the roof that was directing the water flow.

After only minutes, the tub was filled and Daeus pressed another button, turning the shower off. He sat me down into the water and I froze up, but it was surprisingly nice and warm. After all this time without being able to be clean, I could finally be in some water. I tried to get Daeus to let go of me so I could enjoy the bath, but he seemed to get a little tensed. He grabbed on tighter and I finally stopped struggling, sensing that maybe he was worried I would drown or something.

Slowly, my feet touched the bottom of the tub and the water reached my shoulders. There was no pain from it, just the gentle feeling of the water encasing my body, wings, and tail. It was soothing. I felt alive and amazing! I squealed and giggled, wanting to dive under the water and just play. Daeus' hold was like he feared I would go under and not come back up. Sure the tub was huge and it was like I was in a swimming pool, but I wasn't incapable. 

Or . . . maybe I was. Maybe he was right to keep a hold on me. But . . . it was water! I've not been in water in so long. I could swim and play and be free of all my worries. "Someone's excited to be in the water!" Daeus laughed and I looked up at him, happy that he seemed to realize that I liked this. I didn't care that something else primal inside of me was drawing me to the water, I was just happy. "But you could slip and I don't want you to get hurt. But I'm so glad to see you so happy!"

I didn't understand a single word he said, but he seemed happy, so I was happy. I tried pulling myself out of his hands again, and this time he let me go. "Please don't slip." His words were lost on my ears as I immediately dove under the water and let myself slowly float back up, having twisted to be on my back. It must've startled Daeus because I slightly panicked when two of his arms frantically reached into the water and pulled me back up. 

"Don't do that! You scared me!" He brushed his hand on my hair and his voice was really worried. "I couldn't loose you," I froze. I couldn't have made him upset! I grabbed his hand and pulled it to my face, pressing his palm against the side of my head as a way to tell him I'm sorry.  "Wait-"

He pulled his hand away and I briefly wondered if what I did had angered him, but when he reached back to my wings and grabbed one of them, I flinched. He stopped before continuing to cautiously pull my more damaged wing forward and move it around. I was tensed, expecting the pain to come from him moving my wing, but when all I felt was my bones and muscles responding to his pull, I turned my head to look at my wing and was surprised at how the feathers had gone from a patchy, sick-looking black to a full, healthy black.

Daeus tested my other wing before pulling back, staring at me, stunned and spoke, his voice just as stunned as my thoughts were. "The water has completely healed you!"

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