Mil Spec Ivory Mach-7 & Private Mit'ka Ivanova Yelsin: an unlikely company

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Mit'ka {meet-kaa} and Mach-7 are a curious pair. As for Mit'ka's name, its origins are Greek, and it basically means "earth mother." Mach-7's lineage is a tale in itself. First, she is a genetically altered clone OF a genetically altered clone OF... You get the idea. However, she differs from her "mothers." The intent was to mass-produce amphibious super-soldiers.

Her gills are on her anterior thorax. Basically, imagine the furless mouse version of a platinum blonde, female centaur. Her gills are where the "mouse" part would have its lungs. Now make her long tail prehensile.

Yep. That was the plan. However... "Hi! Um, may I floss yer brain with my tail?"

Mach-7 prefers being called Speckles. She usually invents nicknames for people. This four-legged, two-armed super-predator is omnivorous. Oh, yes: it gets weirder, and Speckles approves. Thou hast been forewarned!

Tragically, Mach-7 is unbearably cute. Oh the horror of it all! Oh the calamity! WHY?!

Mit'ka Ivanova Yelsin is a child warrior suffering from severe, posttraumatic shock. This superhuman mutant considers herself "a quasi-elemental polymorph." She wants to behave like a soldier. Yet she acts childishly. Her boon companion joins in her "war games" and "combat drills." They also practice martial arts together.

Fortunately, this delightfully morbid duo rarely intends malice.

The following three poems introduce why most of their shenanigans are tolerated. Poem one is in the form of condensed dialogs. Poems two and three illuminate Mit'ka Ivanova's dilemma.

1) "Speckles" Mach-7 and Private "Ivanova The Terrible" Have an Ordinary Morning

*Sniff, sniff. "Child, did you wet your bed again?" "Don't be a silly mouse! I wet yers!"

*"Repeat, we do not...! Repeat, we do NOT put the Quantum Cat in the dishwasher!!"

*Dearest Speckles: Thank you for the lovely present! It looks delicious! But, next time, please don't put the dead rat in my bra drawer.

*"Did you two eat Arlina's pet gerbils raw -- again?" "Of course not, silly!" "We roasted them over a candle first, madam."

*"Um..." "Yes, child?" "Why you holding yer bread up to the light?" "To check for weevils." "Oh. Want to share 'em?"

*"Don't panic, Ivy!! What's wrong?!" "I forgot to check my bra drawer for booby traps!! Hey! Don't laugh! It's not funny!" "NO! It's HILARIOUS!"

*"Speckles, is the path clear?" "Um... Invisible barbed wire... Imaginary landmines... Twenty million zombie gerbils... Wait. Wait. All clear!" "Nice of you two to show up for group therapy. What took you so long?" "We were running combat drills, sir."

*"Speckles? My dear heart? Why are you crying?" "Because!" "Please amplify." "Ok. Because every time I threaten to rip somebody's liver out, and then use it as a chew toy, they..." "They ask you if you're hungry." "Uh-huh!" "Child?" "Yes?" "Have you considered that that sounds a little cannibalistic?" "...oh..."

*"Ivy? How you get so smart?" "From licking people's brains." "That's disgusting! Don't you lick mine!" "Of course I won't. Because I'd starve!" "Thank you. Hey! Take that back!"

*Yawn! "Nap time! Want snuggles?" "Sure! I'll guard you any day! Hmm. But let's use the latrine first." "Ok! Ivy?" "Yes, child?" "I love you." "Copy that."

2) Night Fire

Cold Hands, Warm Heart, Blood Fever

Silent Bullets, Spent Armor, Bad Bruises

No Tears, Brave Soldier, Lost Childhood

New friend, New Mission, Fragile Peace

3) Why the Caged Mouse Screams

distant, fluid flames speweth clouds of smoke,

an acrid, dragon's breath of flowing fogs.

hark! wherefore prowleth her battle dogs?

no canines swift canst sprint through these broiled bogs.

both child and her beasts hath the battle broke?

no dreams nor breath on which to choke

bereft these blazoned, warrior cogs.

yet i say thee nay! such miasma canst not a warrior stay!

Behold! The Metallic Maiden riseth!

She hath become The Fire whom the smoke despiseth!

alas, that battle ere so rotten canst not be forgotten.

no sanctuary safe nor familiar ties

long quencheth her canines' dying cries.

Dry Rain: The Remedial Program, Set to PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon