the interruption

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error was sat upon his (stolen) sofa, eating chocolate and watching one of his favourite shows 

although it was simply a portal to one of the most dramatic "anomalies" in the multiverse 

he was completely alone (unless you included the various puppets of different sanses) and that was just how he liked it, it was paradise to him 

peace and quiet was something the loner knew hardly anything about, especially when he had to deal with the "bad sanses", the "star sanses" and the "freaks" on a day to day basis, especially when they popped up for a visit unannounced 

it made him uncomfortable, and it defiantly didn't help his Haphephobia

so it would be a shame if someone was to suddenly appear out of nowhere 

a sudden rush of wind made it's way to the destroyer, making his exposed bones cold, along with himself feeling miserable and...fearful? 

error looked from his portal TV to the newly made one 

"uGH" he groaned as he threw his empty chocolate wrapper into a random A.U and filling the static silence of the anti-void with his glitchy voice of annoyance 

"aw, not happy to see me error, now that just hurts" nightmare asked/chuckled as made his appearance 

"what do you want nightmare?" error asked, ignoring his question, getting straight to the point

nightmare rolled his eyes, it was clear the destroyer was in one of his moods, or else he would be bantering along with the negativity god, so he decided just to tell him why he was here 

"our teams having a meeting and since you are indeed part of this group, you are obligated to come to the mansion" nightmare declared 

error sighed, although he was classed as a "bad sans, it didn't mean he was close to the group, he barely got along with nightmare and by the destroyers standards, that was all the interaction he needed 

"thanks but no thanks, just say what you need to say and go away" error said, he simply just wanted to get back to watching his tv before getting an alert from ink saying he was creating again, he was being quiet for the first time in ages and he wanted to take full advantage of that 

error began to wave his wrist to make a portal for the goopysans to leave, only for his arm to be restrained by a slimly tentacle 

errors eyes began to fill with error signs as his body started to glitch more rapidly 

"get of me!" error demanded with glitchy scream sending bones in the direction of the negativity god to whose tentacle belonged to, but he simply dodged them

"no, don't think I will" nightmare laughed, refusing to follow the destroyers orders, and to make it worse sent more of his tentacles to restrain the destroyers other limbs along with his chest and stomach

it was all to much for the destroyer to handle as he let out an deafening glitchy screech before completely shutting down 

"sorry error, but it's mandatory" nightmare simply stated as he pulled the poor glitching skeleton into a bridal style in his arms, his tentacles released allowing his body to start rebooting after the crash 

with destroyer in arms he opened a portal that lead to the "bad guys" mansion 

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