Chapter 1: Promise

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"Now, name the kingdoms of Asterin. Tell me about their history."

"Soleil has been the most powerful kingdom in Asterin for three-hundred and fifty five years. It is also known as the land of the Sun people, who are believed to have descended from the Sun God himself. They have the strongest army in all of Asterin and occupy the biggest area of land."

I sat back a little more into my chair when my mother started to braid my long hair. Everyday after breakfast, she sat me in a chair by our small table and tested my knowledge on various subjects while brushing and braiding my locks. Today, it was history.

She taught me everything I knew, from art and medicine to history and politics. I learned how to fully read and write at age six, but I still enjoyed listening to my mother read me stories at bedtime as a child. She has given me a lot, despite our circumstances.

"Poseidon is the second largest kingdom," I continued. "The Sea people have the most powerful Water Force, and they have controlled the sea for centuries. Then there is Typhon..." I trailed off. My mother sniffled, making my heart break for her.

"I can move on to the next kingdom," I said softly. I did not want to bring up horrible memories that came with that name. Although I have never met him, it still made me sad to know his fate. I could only imagine how it affected my mother.

"No, it's all right. Go on." I turned around to see her face and she gave me an encouraging smile. Her eyes shined with unshed tears, which made my heart squeeze in my chest. She nodded when I gave her a questioning look. I turned forward again.

I cleared my throat and continued in a whisper. "Kingdom Typhon is the third largest kingdom by land. Its border is separated from Soleil and Poseidon by The Dark Forest. King Cerius and his people died when the Twin Volcanoes erupted nearly two decades ago. A fire started on the kingdom's land, which ignited most of the forest, leaving only ashes of trees and land behind."

"That's correct. And the other two kingdoms?" I heard my mother's quiet and shaky voice ask. She was now finishing off the intricate braided hairstyle on my head. She learned how to do it from Rose, a kind servant who secretly helped us all these years. I had seen an illustration of a princess in a book I was reading at the time and fell in love with her pretty hair. I wanted to have the same beautiful braids as her, so my mother asked Rose to teach her to do it on me. It was the happiest day of my life.

"Kingdom Gora and Kingdom Pesok. Smallest kingdoms in Asterin. The Mountain people of Gora are known to be most generous and kind. Despite their small land and resources, they welcome newcomers and offer shelter to anyone that needs it." 

I smiled, knowing that good people existed in this world. It gave me hope in humanity. Then I continued. "Pesok is the land of the Sand people. Not a lot is known about them, because their king is very secretive and has never travelled outside of Pesok's border nor tried to communicate with its neighbouring kingdoms. History books have little information about Pesok."

"Yes, many historians could not access any information about Pesok, but..." My mother let go of my hair and walked around me to admire her work. Looking satisfied with the end result, she allowed me to feel my hair. I carefully ran my fingers over the soft ridges of each braid, imagining what I looked like. "I knew the king."

"You did?" I widened my eyes in shock. "You've never mentioned that."

"I wanted to tell you this as a surprise." She smiled at me, stroking my cheek. I grinned, thrilled to expand my knowledge. Mother always saved the most exciting bits of knowledge to tell me on my birthdays in order to make them more special.

"Please tell me, mother! What was he like?"

She chuckled softly at my eagerness, leaning against the table beside me. I got more comfortable on the chair and looked up at her, ready to listen. 

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