Scoop trouble

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The sound of the rain pounding against the pavement drowned out everything else, and my heart raced as I ran through the wet streets.

With each step, my clothes clung to me, soaked through from the downpour. I knew I had to find shelter quickly, but that didn't stop me from glancing over my shoulder to look back time and again and see if someone was after me. As the cold rain chilled me to the bone, the only solace I found was that no one came after me, no one I could see at least.

I ran through the dark areas with my heels in my hands and my heart ready to burst out at any moment. I can't believe I actually managed to get away. The narrow window was a difficult climb and a small escape but I'm glad I'm small.

With my heart still racing, I approached the park, the dim glow of the streetlights cast eerie shadows on the wet ground. The path ahead was slippery, but my determination urged me forward. I had to change my clothes before I went back to the apartment to avoid any sort of suspicion. I don't want to risk anyone seeing me as a girl entering my apartment. The puddles seemed like endless mirrors reflecting the city lights, giving the night an otherworldly feel but I barely paid that beauty any attention. I reached the public bathroom, pushing the door open with a sense of relief. The dampness clung to me, and my hair was plastered to my face.

Inside, the dimly lit bathroom provided a temporary sanctuary from the rain. The echo of water droplets hitting the floor mingled with the sound of my labored breaths. I locked the door for some privacy and began to peel off my soaking wet dress, shivering from the cold.

This was the place where I originally changed clothes so I looked for the bag I left here. Climbing the chair to reach the window with the inner shed, I had to jump to grab the bag. Thankfully, I got it in one go but I didn't land back on the chair safely. The moment I came back down, my wet feet slipped off the wooden surface and I ended up crashing down on the floor.

Lightning struck and thunder rumbled in the sky as I lay on the rough concrete floor.

"Ow..." I pulled myself up, realizing I scraped my arms and knees, "Shit...", This hasn't been the most nicest of nights... I took a deep breath, then made myself stand up once again. At least I got away from the party and the people after me...

With a sigh of relief, I pulled out a fresh set of clothes from my bag, unsure what to feel at the moment. I had already taken off the dress that lay on the floor like a wet slosh, but before I took off the rest, I looked at myself in the mirror.

At the fake version, I had created. I saw it tremble before me, as the cold from the rain started seeping into my bones.

I liked this version, it was pretty but I also knew I couldn't keep it. Not now...

So I took off the wig, then the lenses and put them on the bathroom shelf. Then I took off the bra that was inserted with thick silicon pads and threw it on the ground. Lastly, I took off the BBL shorts and threw them on the ground as well.

I looked at myself once again, at my scrawny figure, then quickly changed into dry clothes, feeling a sense of comfort and warmth enveloping me while a sense of loneliness tugged at my heart.

It was a weird night...

I ran my fingers through my damp hair, trying to tame it, I gazed at my reflection in the mirror and saw a 'boy' again.

As I caught my breath, I felt I had persevered, and the information I had gathered was powerful too but something kept bothering me. Was it the way I dressed? Was it Matthew? Was it the big scoop in my hands that I knew would invite trouble?

I couldn't pinpoint it, but something in my heart made me feel sad.


I looked down at the dress that was now just a wet pile on the floor. Was I sad about this?

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