Prime suspect

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For the most part, Harou just moved around the office aimlessly before he actually got to the conversation he was actually here for.

"The CCTV footages show something interesting."

"And that is?" I went and sat down on my desk chair.

"The murder took place near the canal, but the man in the footage seems to be coming from a completely new direction."

I intertwined my fingers and looked at Harou as he sat down on the desk and stared at me.

"A new direction?"

"A direction that's neither near the office, nor the canal, nor the restaurant you all went to that night."

"And?" I asked, "What are you implying?"

"I'd say that the murder took place around 7-8 pm. The head hunter took the head to wherever he was supposed to, I'm guessing the places where he keeps all his 'trophies', but something changed his mind and he decided to make a show of it."

Ah~ Trophies. It's quite a unique name used for what serial killers keep from their victims.

"And why would he do that?"

"I'm still not sure," He replied calmly, "But I will be," He smirked, "Soon enough," He looked at the digital wall clock, "Now the funny part is, that man was at the office till 9:50, that rules a lot almost all the people as suspect from your office."

"Hmm?" I folded my arms, "So?"

"You reached the place at 9:55,"

I raised my brow at him, "And that rules me out as a suspect too," I said confidently, "It is impossible to reach the restaurant from the office in five minutes, especially in that storm that was there that night."

"Of course it's impossible." Harou looked at me, "For a human," I could see the doubt in his eyes, the doubt he held for me, "But you're not human Matthew." I looked at him with a blank face, "You're the only suspect left since Lily and Dave weren't in the city, they left right after office hours and that boy Peon who could have been a suspect for always following Rameen around went to karaoke with his friends, he was there from seven to midnight."

He tapped his finger on the desk, "That only leaves you as the prime suspect."

I stared back at him with a poker face

Clever bastard,

I knew he would be able to crack that I put the head on Chris's desk.

I scoffed and looked away.

"Are you out of your mind?" I'm not going to confess to that though.

"I'm just saying." He looked at me with a sly expression, "You were the last person to reach the restaurant."

"You said it was a grudge, What grudge would I have against a little girl?" I folded my arms, "One who was like my daughter at that."

He nodded and got off the desk, "That's where I'm caught..." He did a quick glance around the room, "I can't figure it out." And began to walk away

"Of course, you can't, because I didn't kill her, I would-" I paused, the words almost made me choke, "Never," I shook my head, "You need to get your game up detective."

He sighed and looked down, "I do," He glanced back at me, "Don't I?" He clicked his tongue, "But I just can't seem to throw away the suspicion that you were involved."

I leaned towards my desk, resting my cheek against my knuckles as I put my elbow on the desk, "Then why don't you investigate more?" We looked straight into each other's eyes, "Hm? Detective?"

He reached the door and opened it, "I'll be sure to catch the culprit." He looked away, "You can bet on it."

I smiled, "I'm counting on it." He closed the door behind him and another blank expression took over my face.

Harou is smart.

But he shouldn't be able to trap me.

I leaned against the chair's back as I recalled the night of the murder


[Friday - Clio's consolation party] 9-25 pm

The office had a dark atmosphere during the night, the only sound was the relentless patter of rain against the windows. The atmosphere was thick and felt like the perfect environment for my entrance.

Dressed entirely in black with a black raincoat on, I walked into the open office, Slick and glistening from the rain outside, the plastic raincoat was clinging to me. With each step, water dripped from the coat, forming a dark puddle on the floor, and leaving a trail behind me.

In one gloved hand, under the folds of the raincoat I had a shopping bag that I carried all the way here for a special demonstration. The dim overhead lights cast long, eerie shadows around me. The room was bathed in a sickly yellow glow, and every piece of furniture seemed to take on a sinister quality.

I walked towards Chris's desk and stood in front of it. Then unbuttoned the raincoat slowly as if I had all the time in the world.

After I was done, I looked at the bag in my hand and reached in it to take something out.

A head

A very beautiful head, belonging to a very special person.

I placed the severed head on the table carefully, so as not to damage it. Then I stared at it as the blood from the neck started started dripping down the desk

Rameen had always been a lovely child in my eyes and it seemed cruel to leave her just like that. So I moved to adjust the wet hair of the corpse, making it look pretty

This was going to be a present for someone after all. I had to make it look pretty. And after I was done and satisfied with my work, I turned to face the security camera.

Raised a gloved hand and waved in a slow, deliberate manner which was to mock a very specific person.

Then I looked back at the head, to give it one last look, and then began to walk out of the place as I thought about the other problem.

Now how do I get this head spotted? It's the start of the weekend and I can't wait for Monday.


It won't be a problem for me to reach the restaurant they're all gathered in if I shift and speed through the alleys, I can also discard these clothes in the middle too. I'll just keep the jeans on. I'll throw the jacket away and keep the shirt I'm wearing under that since it didn't appear on the CCTV.

I folded my arms and gave it some thought about how to gather witnesses.

It's never happened before, but should I go with a Saturday meeting?

I nodded to myself

Saturday meeting it is.

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