Volume 2- Trapped

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I couldn't tell for sure if this was a dangerous situation or not.

Something definitely had gone down in Clio's apartment considering the two people on the ground. But I'm also sure Clio wasn't the one who shot them. That means there was another person here.

But who?

And I have no idea if Clio managed to run away from that person or if he's in trouble.

"Woah," Harou had followed me here, "That is..." He stepped inside the apartment, "Shit," Persistent bastard but I guess it's good that he's here I guess. He took out his phone and called for emergency services.

I let out a sigh

My wolf is calm though. That means no harm is coming to my mate at the moment.

"Harou," I looked at the detective as he finished his call, "Look for Clio,"

"Clio?" He looked at the apartment, "Is this the intern's place?" He eyed me suspiciously, "Why did you come running here?"

"I don't think that should matter to you more than the fact that he's missing."

"He could simply be running away after shooting those two."

"I doubt he has the guts to do that," I replied

"Oh," Harou smirked, "You don't know that. People are capable of all kinds of violence."


I don't know how, but the detective's words hit me and I recalled all the times Clio has been aggressive. It made me think that something like that could be possible if he's put in a situation like that.

I looked back at the two on the floor.

But I still doubt he shot them. I didn't notice a gun in his apartment the two times I was here and I get a strong feeling there was someone else involved.

"Still," He dialed another number, "I'll look into it anyway."



The night was captivating with the glow of skyscrapers, the golden trails of traffic weaving through the streets, and the distant hum of the city. The glow from street lamps and neon signs created a mosaic of colors that reflected off the wet sheen of rain-slicked streets.

The view from this high up was mesmerizing and it was the only thing that was managing to calm me down while I tried to process the fact that I had been kidnapped.

Why was I kidnapped? I shook my head in denial.

Am I going to get tortured or something?

Zhou-Lin belongs to the Chinese mafia. He even tried to kill me at the club. But why kidnap me? He could have killed me in my apartment! He already knows I was the girl at the club.

The door opened and I turned my head to look at Zhou-Lin walking in with a file in his hands while I sat on a single-seater couch with my knees next to my legs. I had taken a defensive and anxious stance but he didn't say anything about it.

"So you woke up," He came and sat down on the couch across from mine, "Good," He crossed his legs and rested his elbow on the armrest, leaning against his knuckles as he stared at me.

I was scared.

The situation made no sense and the only thing going through my head was that I was going to get tortured. My life simply sucked. I can't believe I've gotten into the same kind of trouble I've been running from all my life.

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