Case closed

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"The Head Hunter is awaiting her sentence from court." Cherelle was reporting Live as she stood outside the court in broad daylight, "It came as a shock to everyone to find out that the serial killer was never a man like everyone had believed but a woman."

I watched the News on their channel from my phone.

NLN's NewsChannel got the exclusive reporting of the Head Hunter case. It was uploaded on their YouTube channel as well which got over a million views within a week. I made the whole thing in a hurry but I added in the video of the initial arrest and the police finding the heads buried under the exotic plants, in the garden of Chris's house.

The garden Chris loved tending to

I recalled how the police, along with the detective and I made our way to Chris's house.

"Matthew also put the head away because no one knew where the heads were disappearing to." I recorded the video as the police did their job

"Right... No one could even think it was Chris who killed her own daughter. So no one would ever know where she was keeping the heads."

I was shocked that Harou's guess was so accurate. He asked for a search warrant beforehand so that the exotic plants that are illegal to destroy can be uprooted.

"Matthew has been in that house a number of times, but he never knew about the heads. Him placing the head in the office and appearing in the CCTV footage coming from the direction of Chris's house was all on purpose." He smirked, "It was to make sure, I got the hints." Harou was overseeing everything, "That's why I made a tour of her house, I wanted to see the potential places they could have been."

"What made you doubt Chris though? Just the footage of the man in black coming from this direction can't be it."

"It was when Dave and Lily came in for questioning again. And they told me Chris was always the one attending the meeting in their stead. That's when things started to add up."


"But, wait," I paused, "Do you have any proof it was Matthew who put the head there."

He let out a sigh, "I don't have any proof. Nothing to present. I just know it was him. Because there's no one else who fits in that category." He let out a chuckle, "My suspicion of Chris being the killer was confirmed when I revealed your gender to her and Matthew threw me in the mirror. I knew that he knew that Chris was the killer then. And that he wanted me to look around in her house."

"But how did you know this?" I was filming the garden, "What pointed it out?"

"First, Rameen's urn color was different."


Okay? I didn't notice the color was different. I never even knew what the original color was. But Harou did ask about the Urn color when we visited!

"She would have gotten away with it, but using exotic plants to cover up the crime was a little too obvious."


I spared him a glance.

Too obvious?

I never would have thought that the heads were put under the plants! I didn't even know they were illegal to destroy. I guess there's a reason why he climbed the ranks so fast.

He's really intelligent.

The forensics and the officers were pulling the plants out and I couldn't help but feel the goosebumps erupt on my body when they pulled out a skull from the plant.

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