Misfits of the moon pack

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Entering the hospital room, the antiseptic scent greeted me, a scent I'm not really fond of but I didn't care much for it as I ran straight to my mom's room. There, in the sterile white bed, lay my mother.

Her eyes were weary from the ordeal, but she looked fine. As our eyes met, a mixture of relief and shared pain passed between us.

"Mom," I whispered, the weight of the recent horrors hanging in the air.

She smiled, a gesture laden with both gratitude and a mother's unyielding strength. "You came," she said, her voice carrying the tremors of recent trauma, "You didn't have to,"

"Oh, please!" I approached her bedside, the soft shuffle of footsteps echoing in the sterile silence. Taking her hand in mine, I felt the warmth of connection, and I rested my head on her shoulder, "I'm so glad you're okay,"

There was a small pause before she spoke, "Me too," She slipped her hand on my cheek, "Me too child," I relaxed on her, as any child does in her mother's embrace.

There was a pause for a moment and that's when I felt her body trembling.

I immediately got away and looked at her, "Mom?" And I noticed the tears in her eyes, "What's wrong?"

And the moment I asked she started crying,

"MOM!" I hugged her, "What's wrong?!?"

She cried softly, "We're done for, aren't we?"


She buried her face in her hands, "You're secret it out," She sniffled, "They're coming for us, aren't they?" I grabbed her wrists, trying to make her look at me but stopped when I heard that.

My heart dropped at the fact that she had found out.

Of course she would, Chris met her personally...

But my hope hadn't. I wasn't as scared as I thought I would be, "Yes," I was able to reply to her confidently, "But we're not done for," I was able to answer her like this because of one person.

"We're not?" She raised her head to look at me, "How?" She sniffled, "Nolan and you fought and broke it off didn't you?"


I was baffled at how she knew that, "How," I stared at her in disbelief, "Did Nolan tell you?" I don't think he did but did he?!? Did he tell my mother?!

For what?!

"No," She replied, "You two fought in the hospital," She looked at me pitifully, "What made you think the news wouldn't travel to me when it happened in this place?"


My mouth went a little agape. Then I looked down in shame.

"Are you angry?" I slipped my hands away from her wrists but she grabbed them to hold my hands.

"No," Her reply made me look at her, "I heard he cheated on you," Her face looked a little better as the anger rose in her, "You were right to break up with him." Then her eyes dropped, "But now that he's gone-"

"No!" I gripped her hands in return, "It doesn't matter if he's gone mom," I made her look at her, "It really doesn't," I shook my head at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Honestly," I've thought about it alot, "There was nothing Nolan could have done against the Somas."

"Right," Mom looked defeated, "They're too strong..." As if my words had affirmed her greatest fears.

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