His first

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Xiao-Mei was true to her words. She did treat me better than all the others in my life. But I wasn't a son to her.

It was a business deal. I did things for her and she provided for me. When I was doing better, I chose to go to visit the place my mother worked at one day. Nothing could have prepared me for what I learned there.

My visit had no special meaning behind it. I was just passing by from the area when a worker recognized me.

"You look like that bastard," In that desolate alleyway, that line was what stopped me.

I looked back at the woman standing with a cigarette in her hands, wearing a silk robe with her eyes on me.

"Who?" I turned my body towards her while I had my hands in my pockets.

"Your father," She puffed the cigarette, "That bastard fucked everyone in this establishment." She let out a sarcastic scoff

I frowned, "So?" I turned away, "That's got nothing to do with me," I began to walk away.

"Looks like your mother failed," Her words made me stop again, "Everyone told her he won't accept a bastard," I looked back at her to glare, but, "Good thing the other two didn't even try," Her words made me frown.

"What?" I turned towards her, "Other two?"

She let out another puff, "What? Your mother didn't tell you?" She snickered as she threw her cigarette bud on the ground and twisted it under her foot, "Then again, she was a selfish bitch," She looked at me, "That's right there were two other women that asshole impregnated."


This was purely out of my own selfishness.

Right, I was selfish.

I wanted my own family.

The Chinese gave me a better life, but they weren't anything remotely close to a family. I was working for them and that was it. I was working for my keep and I was still alone.

Zhou-Lin and Xia-Lin had become friends but they were in China for most part of the year while I was here.

And so the thought of having a brother excited me. If he was living a life that was anything like mine, he would come with me.

Unfortunately the lady only knew about one address but I didn't waste any time and rushed to that place.

The neighborhood I ventured into was a maze of dilapidated buildings and tinted windows. Each step felt like a cautious dance with the unknown, the sound of my own footsteps echoing through the desolate alleyways. Graffiti adorned the decaying walls, and one look could tell that I was in the bad part of the town.

As I approached the address scribbled on the palm of my hand, one I had to plead to get, the atmosphere grew more oppressive.The house I sought loomed ahead, it looked like a fine two story building with about two rooms in each floor, yet there was an ominous feeling attached to it, which intensified when I noticed boarded-up window on the second floor.

Why would only one window be boarded? I looked around the place, then stepped ahead to ring the doorbell.

I waited, but got no answer and I didn't have the patience to try again so I grabbed the door handle to open the door and waltz in.

Except that the door was locked.


I hopped to the side and peered through the tinted windows, my curiosity battling with the growing unease in my gut. The inside seemed fine, I wouldn't say it was clean but that just showed someone was living there. But no one was home at the moment.


What now? Do I wait?



A sound something hitting caught my attention and I stepped away from the house



I shot my head up, at the direction of the sound and noticed it was coming from the barred window.

Someone's there!! There was a moment of excitement, followed by feelings of doom. I looked at the house again. I highly doubt there's any house with a security system in this area but I can't afford to break the door.


I looked at the covered window, then nodded to myself as I made an instant decision.

There was enough uneven surface to scale the wall and reach the window with an old pot balcony where I stood.

Reaching the height of the barred window, I studied the wooden planks nailed into the window.


With a surge of adrenaline and my wolf strength, I punched the planks.

A symphony of old wood protesting against my intrusion filled the air as I exerted every ounce of determination and it only took me twice to actually punch a whole through.



I then grabbed the planks and began to rip them off. All through it, I heard no sound but as the obstacle was removed, I peered into the darkness beyond the window. The interior lay silent and foreboding, the evening light made its way in and shined on a figure sitting by the wall.

The room exuded an air of abandonment, dust motes dancing in the dim light that filtered through moth-eaten curtains.

In a corner of the room, huddled up, I saw him—a boy, younger than me, all skin and bones. He didn't move his fragile frame. The pallor of his skin spoke of a life lived in perpetual twilight, as if he hadn't seen the sun in ages and seeing that made my heart drop.

His eyes held emptiness that sent shivers down my spine. They were dead eyes, devoid of the spark that defined the vitality of youth.

"A-azef?" I stuttered trying to call his name, "You're Azef, right?"

The boy's gaze remained fixed on some distant, unseen horizon.There was no response, only the hollow echo of my own words bouncing off the walls.

A knot tightened in my stomach as I grappled with the realization that he was living in a far worse condition than me. Questions lingered in the air, demanding answers that the boy's lifeless gaze refused to provide.

"Look," I stepped inside, "I'm here to help," The room was dusty, it made me sneeze the moment I stepped in while the boy stared at me with an unamused listless gaze. I steadied myself and asked him again, "Your name is Azef, right?" I stared at him and he simply stared back.

I chose not to say anything and let him speak. I had no idea if that would work but I still chose to wait and after a while he opened his mouth.

'If I'm not Azef,' His voice was a hoarse whisper, 'You won't help me?'


I hadn't thought about that. But now that I was forced to, I did.

And looking at the boy brought me no joy. I felt like this was something I had to do. No one was there to do it for me. No one was there to take me out of that place that tortured me. No one to save me. So, I felt like I had to do it. I had to save him

"I will still help you," I walked over to him and crouched down, "What do I need to do,"

He stared into my eyes, his thin worn out clothes reminded me of the time I was alone myself.

He raised his finger and I watched him put an inexplicable demand before me.

"Kill my mother."

Mafia's Mate (M Book1)Where stories live. Discover now