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Murim's hand held a cloth, tainted with the sickly sweet scent of a potent drug.

"W-what are you doing here?" I wanted to look at Bezof but I didn't dare look away from Murim.

He smirked, "What? You thought you'd be safe living in the middle of the forest?"

"..." Of course I did, not anyone can reach the pack! It should be a safe place. So how did he come here? Just how did he find out? No normal person would think about going to a dense forest to find someone.

"I can tell your mind is racing," He stepped closer to me and I automatically stepped back, "Why would someone think about coming to the forest?" He had this expression on his face as if he knew he had one, "All I had to do was follow your mother,"


My eyes went wide and goosebumps made my skin stand up but at the same time, I felt dizzy as well. Like my mind was blurring.

Right... That was all he had to do,

I gulped, "Where's my mom?" I gathered the courage to speak more confidently, "What did you do to her?"

He shrugged, "What do you think?" He reached for his pocket and fished out a phone. A very familiar looking phone.


It was Mom's phone!

"I couldn't find the place you were staying, but lucky for me you fell for the texts and came to me on your own." My heart pounded in my chest in fear.

"What did you do to my mother!!" Anger was boiling in me, "Why do you have her phone!!?"

He glanced at Bezof, then back at me, "Does that matter?" He asked, "It doesn't matter at all."

"It does!!"

"It doesn't," He started walking towards me, "Not when you'll be dead soon,"


Fear engulfed my mind. Desperation fueled my fight-or-flight response. I stumbled backward, heart racing, as he advanced with malicious intent. Every fiber of my being screamed for escape, but the dense forest seemed to close in around me.

As he lunged forward, the cloth aimed for my face, a surge of primal fear gripped me. I swerved, narrowly avoiding the initial contact. Adrenaline surged, my instincts kicking into overdrive. I could feel the drug-laden cloth graze my skin, a sickening reminder of the imminent danger.

I darted through the underbrush, weaving between trees like a hunted prey.

He followed, "You can't outrun me!"

I didn't dare look back. I darted full speed ahead. His pursuit was relentless, and I could feel something was wrong with me. Each breath felt heavy but surrender wasn't an option. I can't just give in here.

I can't! I have to get away!!

But then my vision got blurred and I finally realized what was happening.

The drug's effects lingered in my body and were ready to overwhelm my senses. Murim had managed to make me sniff quite a bit from that cloth when he initially attacked me.

I gulped, shook my head and told myself I had to keep going.

I just have to make it back to the pack!

My heart dropped.

Back to the pack? But what way is it back?

My movements became sluggish, limbs heavy with resistance. But the survival instinct burned bright, and I fought against the encroaching darkness.

Mafia's Mate (M Book1)Where stories live. Discover now