Finishing job

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Matthew's shock changed to affection pretty fast.

He was still a little taken aback by it but I was so happy I couldn't describe it. In that moment nothing else mattered but the fact that I could be with him.

Everything else faded away when he returned my kiss.

Under the moonlight, in the middle of nowhere. His touch ignited sensations within me. His fingertips traced a delicate path along the contours of my face, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. Each stroke felt like a soft caress, a prelude to the intimacy that lingered in the air.

Our mouths filled with raw passion and desire wouldn't leave the other. I could feel his hands gripping me tightly, pulling me closer to him as if he couldn't get enough.

I loved the sudden intensity of the kiss and my heart raced as his lips met mine with a rough urgency. There was something about it, something fulfilling.

All of the negative emotions, all of the ominous feelings seemed to just fade away as I kept feeling him.

A soft sigh escaped my lips, a reflex to the exquisite sensitivity of his touch. His hand cradled the back of my neck, fingers entwining with the strands of my hair. It was a subtle yet intimate gesture of connection between us.

As our lips met, the lingering sensation of his touch seamlessly merged with the tenderness of the kiss. I felt a sense of longing when his tongue made its way in my mouth, and when he explored the wet areas, fighting my tongue for dominance and swirling around, I felt my own desire rising to meet his. There was a wild electric sensation that rose in my body then and I felt enthralled

His hand cupped my cheek while our fingers intertwined there as well.

I'm sure neither one of us wanted that to end, but both of us knew it was not the place to continue that.

So we slowed down, then parted. It was the slowest parting of lips I know.

My eyes slowly opened and landed onto his "I love you," I caressed his cheeks as I said those words with a heavy breath, "I'm so glad I got the chance to say it," I hugged him, pressing my body onto his as tightly as I could.

As I confessed, the weight of the admission was accompanied by a profound sense of relief.

"I don't think I heard that right," He wasn't expecting me to confess in that situation, "Say it again," He whispered, his breath tingled my lips, "Say it to me again,"

His request made my heart tremble and I gulped, "I love you," I looked into his dark night like eyes, "I love you alot-" And he pulled me into his embrace again.

"Me too," He replied, "I love you too,"

In the safety of his embrace, tears welled up in my eyes, unbidden and powerful. The overwhelming flood of emotions—fear, relief, gratitude—found an outlet in those glistening drops that traced down my cheeks. The weight of the night's ordeal lifted, replaced by the sheer release of pent-up tension.

But what I had done did not leave my mind. I clenched onto my mate's shirt, fear tiptoed its way back to me and I knew I had to deal with it.

"Matthew..." My heart was pounding... "I think I killed him..."


"He's still alive," Matthew checked Murim out while I stood far away. Murim's face was bloody, I had hit him far too many times and I didn't want to look at him.

I can't believe I had become a monster like that, forgetting everything and going for brutal violence.

"Really?" I had no idea what to do, "What do we do then?"

Mafia's Mate (M Book1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin