Chapter One

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I twisted a lock of my freshly chopped hair. My blonde hair was now shoulder length.

New school

New me

It was cliche but it was true. With every new foster family came a new school. Yes I'm a foster kid, locked up your children and hid your prized jewelry the orphan is here.

I had bounced all over the province no one wanted the sixteen year old they all wanted babies. I tried to be the perfect kid but gave up when the fathers noticed I had boobs and felt the need to try and touch me. Since the age of thirteen I had broken three noses, two arms and one man's jaw.

If you can't keep your hands off your "new daughter" you better get used to your fucked up nose.

It was my third home in a year when Chris Samuel's and his wife Patricia had taken me into their home. Pat was a nice lady kind eyes and clearly a well known foster mom. She was older lady about forty eight and I was the first girl they had ever tried to foster. Still on our trial run I was asked if I wanted to move in with them. So I did of course. It was about 7:00 pm and Pat was in the kitchen making dinner when Chris tried to grope me when I was watching Netflix in the other room. I screamed and ended up breaking his jaw and nose.

Pat didn't believe me at first. A highly religious woman couldn't fathom the idea that her husband was a pedophile. I was taken from that home and tossed back into orphan bin. She came to see me months after the incident had occurred with tear filled eyes. When the neighbors found out what happened girls in the neighborhood came forward to tell Pat other incidents. She was disgusted and was currently filing for divorce. Chris Samuel's was sent to prison for his crimes. But incidents like that didn't stop there.

"Hey Carter! Wanna go play soccer with me?" Asked Cameron Matthews. Cam was eight years old and absolutely LOVED soccer. I was always the goalie but I let him win every time. He was my favorite kid here. Light freckles and light blue eyes made him adorable. He had a scar that went round his neck from his birth mom trying to kill him while she was high on meth when he was five years old. He hasn't been adopted because of that. No one wanted a kid with such a gruesome scar. I left and came back and always found him here. It broke my heart that most foster parents wanted the kids that "looked" normal.

"I was just about to ask for an ass kicking on the field! Let's go little dude!" I raced him to the small field outside the house.

Grabbing the beat up soccer ball we kicked it back and forth. I was careful not to kick it to hard or to far.

"So I hear Mack has been adopted" Cam said out of breath and we laid on the grass.

"That's awesome Cam my man" I said laying flat on my belly.

"It is!" He giggled then became quiet quickly.

"What's wrong hun?" I touched his hand and wave of anxiety and sadness hit me like a soccer ball to the stomach. I gasped and struggled to catch my breath as a vision distorted my reality.

I stood in a small apartment building blood splattered on the wall causing me to close my eyes abruptly. My nostrils filled with a copper smell and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. A scream from behind a closed door caused my knees to buckle in fear. I wanted to run the other way. I wanted to go and hide like I was always told but my feet were cemented to the floor. A phone was playing music but it didn't muffle any screams. The door in which the screaming was behind was suddenly swung open. Another high pitched scream and a man with heavy boots and a ski mask dragged a woman out by her hair. She had a bloody nose, a swollen eye and what looked like a dislocated shoulder. I screamed but neither of them reacted. I watched as the woman was thrown the floor at the mans feet. He took out a gun like he was about to shoot her.

"Carter!" Screamed a familiar voice

"Carter! You're scaring me!" Cam cried

"Cam! I'm okay! I'm okay baby." I said hugging my little friend close to me.

"You saw something didn't you?" Cam asked.

I didn't say a word just a slight nod as I tried to piece what I saw together.

Would I be able to save this one?

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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