Control~ Kai Parker

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A quiet sigh left her lips feeling someone whisper in her ear, their breath tickling her skin. Y/N mumbled '5 more minutes'  and tried to roll to her side but for some reason she couldn't and her arms hurt. There it was, the same voice only this time not whispering but humming a song which sounded so familiar, yet she couldn't remember any of the lyrics nor whose song it was supposed to be. Her eyes fluttered for a second and as the dream haze started to dissolve, details of what had happened the day before... or maybe the very same day, she couldn't tell, started to come back to her. At first the memory was fuzzy and unfocused but becoming clear with every second – Y/N remembered walking down the street with her late afternoon pick me up and her phone in her hands, her eyes focused on the screen when suddenly a car honk had sounded around her and someone had grabbed her. Kai, his face appeared behind her eyelids clearer than ever. His blue/gray eyes sparkling with mischief and danger, along with a hint of something else she couldn't figure out. His lips curled up into a genuine smile when their eyes had met, only moments before he –

Her heart began racing at the thought what he had done. Less than five minutes after saving her life, he had knocked her out and if her instincts were right – her wrists were tied up over her head. Y/N pulled at them, still half stuck in this dream state, when she felt him shift on the bed and grip her wrists and him shushing her in an attempt to calm her down.

    "Easy there, beautiful." he whispered in her ear, his lips almost touching her earlobe as he spoke. "We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."

Her eyelids fluttered open and closed for a second and she felt her heart skip a beat at his touch the second his fingers brushed almost lovingly against her cheek. A moment later her eyes opened wide and met with his eyes piercing directly into hers, and she couldn't help but feel her heart skip another beat. Those beautiful blue/gray eyes and how they always had the ability to make her feel week in the knees and things she knew she shouldn't feel at all. Though that wasn't the reason her breath got hitched in her throat in that moment and her heart almost burst. That was the fact she was in his apartment, tied up to his bed with him hovering over her and his lips almost touching hers.

   "Hi." he grinned. "You are no fun when you are asleep, though that might be my fault. You keep passing out because of me." his face darkened a little and for a moment he looked almost worried about her. "How are you feeling? D-do you need another pillow? I mean, of course you do. This one is covered with blood. Hold on, I'll get you a new one –"

    "I don't give a damn about the pillow –" she croaked.

    "Right...Wouldn't make sense to change it anyways since I am nowhere near satisfied and the other one will get stained as well. Being a vampire is so strange." he said with amusement. "I'm eternally thirsty now and you –" he licked his lip, his fingertips trailing her carotid artery feeling her blood pulsating in her veins. "– don't move."

Her eyes followed his slight movements as he leaned in towards her and wrapped his fingers around her neck, turning her head to the side. A wave of panic washed over her, quickly getting replaced by something she shouldn't have felt when his hot breath tickled her skin before a blink of an eye later he sank his fangs in her skin and a small scream left her lips.

    "Kai –" she said weakly, struggling against the ropes keeping her bound. "S-stop –"

Her eyes focused on the ceiling and the more awake she got, the clearer the events from a few hours ago became clear. Everything but the memory of how had she gotten there, what had happened and what had he done to her besides feeding on her. Her clothes were still on, that was a good thing but why did that made her feel sad in a way? And why feeling him feed on her instantly turned her entire skin on fire in a split second? It had nothing to do with the unusually hot weather, she was sure about it. Or maybe it was the way his crotch lightly grinded against hers while he continued to bleed her dry –

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