Chpt: 3 ‐ All The Things

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Judy's POV

I never understood what it was truly like to be in a relationship where you could depend on someone all the time. As much as I hated to, there was something about Y/N that made me feel like I could — and it wouldn't be too much to ask for.

Gazing at her now... I can't help but want to show her everything, and give her all she wanted. Not much like myself, but with her I felt I could. Part of me knew she'd reject it in favour of being with me. So sweet, and at times adorable.

I'd want to recite all my memories of her if I could, but I couldn't right now. I was... well... absolutely upside down. Could barely remember what I did last night. That wasn't a good sign.

Out I walked into the main area of my apartment, being met with the sight of a lovely face. Wonder if she had any answers to my many aching questions. But first, a greeting.

Judy: "Good morning."

There I spoke it, plain and simple, nothing too alarming, right?

Y/N: "It's the afternoon."

Oh... I didn't expect it to be the afternoon. My right hand came upward and rested atop my forehead, feeling a small bump protruding outward. Where could it have come from?

Closing my eyes for a second, I stepped further into the main area, hand still caressing the unusual bump.

Barely a second after, I opened my eyes to see Y/N gazing at me from inches away. Her eyes peering into mine lovingly, enough to make me blush uncontrollably. There was something about the woman that made me feel greater than who I was.

Y/N: "That doesn't look to good. Must be from when you rolled over in your sleep and hit your head against the wall."

Up lifted Y/N's hand, pressing against my head as I lifted my own hand away; acquiescing the softness happily. A full second passed when she held my head, and within that second I felt like grabbing her hand, leading her into my room and locking the door behind us. Sadly, I resisted; it didn't feel right.

Judy: "How do you know I did that? Were you watching me?"

Y/N: "You told me to stay for a bit, and so I did. Waited until you woke up. Which... turned out to be the whole morning. Still, I waited. I was going to make you breakfast, but you didn't wake up."

Judy: "And you didn't try to wake me up?"

Y/N: "Oh, I did. When I touched your shoulder, you pulled me close and mumbled 'big bear' over and over. By the way, you're adorable when you sleep."

Judy: "Big bear? Must've been some dream I was having. Not like I can remember, because, y'know..."

Y/N: "You weren't asleep for that, were you?"

And there she figured it out. Truth was, I did wake up when she touched my shoulder, but I didn't know it was late in the day at that point. Thought maybe it was around 6am, maybe earlier. However, I didn't recall saying big bear. Strange.

Judy: "So you're saying you stayed here all day, waiting for me to wake up so you can help me lose my massive hangover?"

Y/N: "Maybe."

Y/N was blushing. Of course she did, little perfect two shoes. Or goodie two shoes. Whatever the term was. My oh my, the adoring aberration in this nutty city was in my apartment... caring for me. Wow. Few have ever shown such feelings toward me, and even less were still walking on this plane of existence.

Judy: "I'm gonna take a shower, maybe regain total consciousness in there."

Y/N: "Need company?"

Ambitious, she was. I liked it. Part of me wasn't sure whether she was joking or not. And another part wanted to grab Y/N's hand and lead her into the bathroom. To counter her question, I had an idea. Simple, and moved the attention back toward her.

Judy: "Depends. Do you wish to join me?"

Yes or No?

A Judy Alvarez Story (Judy x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now