Why am I here...

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BUT SRSLY thank you so so much for reading this story and voting as well I really appreciate you noticing this story I made


Akane's pov

I woke up...in a room...

Wait a minute...

My home was basically destroyed where am I??

There are bunch of talisman and holy relics... slapped here, wow they even plastered holy inscriptions on my forehea-THEY DREW ON MY FACE AND ARMS?? SERIOUSLY??

I guess it's understandable because I'm partially a curse but like...come on

Well at least the futon they had for me was comf-

"You've been out for so long I was thinking of possessing your body" I groaned looking beside my futon seeing a small shrine thing with a ton of talisman on it and it was even chained to the ground

"Ah you must be that finger I took?"

"Oh~ so you remember me"

"You're one of 19 other talking fingers that belong to a guy my mentor knew, it's pretty hard to forget you"

"Fair enough, so why don't we strike a deal~ I never knew Himura had a student"

"Oi... you insane or stupid..? Or both"

"Watch your mouth brat, don't you know who I am...."

"You're the fingers of an all powerful demon curse whatever...but you know in the end..." I grinned and shook the place it was at around, "you're still finger, SOO~ until you have a body then maybe I'll consider being scared"

"You have his smart mouth..."

"Oh please I'm way better at insults than him anyways I'm actually hungry so I'm gonna head out first, don't miss me too much"

I got up wiping my face and arms with my bedsheets and opened the door ripping the talisman wallpaper apart only come face to face with that gloomy kid with a tray of tarts, sweets, cake, sandwiches, and a triple shot espresso his face went blank as he closed his eyes


"Look they only work when I want them to work" I sighed grabbing the tray as he peaked a bit, "so just...chill" He seemed surprised to still be moving and I was way gone when he was yelling for me to come back

I jumped up to one of the roofs before going further up the trees to have my breakfast and coffee hah...so this place is a mountain? Can't believe it's still part of Tokyo

Some spirits started popping up, most settled on to my lap and head which is really calming...

It's a good thing the place is nearby the mountains in the wilderness spirits are more easier to access, and more powerful since the place is relatively further from modern society

Main cities crawl with WAAYY too much with curse and scares off the sp-

"You..." I heard a familiar growl that made me giggle looking down at the elders who were being...elderly


They walk pass me, those that I've once fought, embarrassed, and humiliated glaring at me while I ate on my sandwich while flipping them off

The Red Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now