The power of a woman

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"You can try my friend, I won't stop you.

But if you get tired, I won't forget to remind you.

Kill me or I won't let anyone live to cry over you"


He was smiling while looking at the ceiling fan.
His one arm below his head, acting as a pillow and the other lifted to stare at the thing in his hand.

The crystal shined under the moonlight.
The chain rotating and making the crystal to revolve along.

He just can't believe he did it with his Stalker.
His Stalker was finally his.
How couldn't he not smile, she made him the happiest man alive after all.

Kissing the crystal and holding it in his palm, he placed it on his chest.
Close to his heart, where she belonged.

But his Stalker was tensed talking about her family.
Her bas*** of a father daring to do such to his own daughter.

He clenched the crystal tightly, lifting it to look closer.
It was a very rare diamond.
Worth millions if not billions.

Looking closer he found a sign at its corner.
Creases appeared on his forehead and he immediately got up.

The sign looking familiar.
Where has he seen it?

His thumb tracing the design, to remember where exactly he saw it.

The realisation came as a storm of shock and fear.
The pendant dropping from his hand and the words barely left his lips as a whisper.

"The royal emblem of kingdom of Avanguard"


Claire leaned against the wall, staring at the unconscious girl.
A smirk on her face and her phone pressed to her ear.

"Greetings your highness, queen of Evanguard this side"

"A very good evening miss Claire"
The king said sounding tired.
With Daniel's absence, he had to take control of all the affairs.
And they sure were tiring.

"I have found the imposter your highness. The one planning to kill your son by disguising herself as a man"

"Are you sure miss Claire? That Lin is the one?"

The king couldn't believe that Lin who he trusted so much, could do something like that.

"Absolutely your highness. I have her captive"

The king nodded.
Feeling angry at himself for making his son's life go in danger by hiring her.
If not for Claire, he would have never know Lin's deception and backstabbing.

"Good. Send her back immediately. I will like to take matters in my own hand. Let the jury decide her punishment for betraying our kingdom"

Claire nodded with a mischievous smile on her face.
Her plan was successful and poor Eva will not even know what happened to her.

Claire knows the punishment for deception and disloyalty towards one's kingdom, and it will be nothing less than torture and lifelong imprisonment.
If not death.

Her hands will be clean and she will be free of this burden that has ruined her entire life.

First, this girl ruined her relationship with her husband, made him hate her for not accepting her.
Then when she thought she was free from her, this bi** decides to run away and make relations with someone as high as king Daniel.

Crushing On Your Majesty;The girl he hatedWhere stories live. Discover now