Chapter 35: Unexpected Conversations

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After spending hours packing, I'm pretty much ready to go tomorrow. Papa informed me a few days ago that the flight is at 6am, which means I'll need to be up and at the airport by 5am. Just brilliant. 

I hate early mornings.

I do some final checks of my bags since I don't want to be running around that early tomorrow. The only thing I can tell that I've forgotten is my phone charger which is in my car. I'll need that tonight as well anyway so I'll just go down and get it just now. 

I grab my keys from the worktop and make my way down to the garage. When I get there, I notice a familiar Black SUV. Harris.  

I didn't think he had been here the last few days, but considering he's parked on the opposite side of the car park in a different space from usual, maybe he never left and I just never noticed. The car park is usually a lot fuller than this, it is unusually empty for a Thursday night. 

But why is he still here? Does Jaxon really, seriously think I'm going to snitch on him. That's quite the insult to me. I mean I know he said he doesn't trust me and I know he probably doesn't fully, but I think it's a little extreme to keep someone watching me. 

With a newly found annoyance I march over to the SUV. Harris spots me and straightens up. I walk to the passenger side getting in and facing him. "What are you still doing here?" I question in a firm voice. 

He clears his throat answering me, "I only take orders Miss Alejandra, I don't ask questions." I narrow my eyes at him knowing he's right. I'm not going to get any answers from him. Looks like I've got no choice.

"Call him." I say. Harris looks at me with a surprised face. "Excuse me."

"You heard what I said. Call him. Actually, better yet get him down here I need to discuss this with him." I demand, Turning into business mode. "Yes Miss." He says taking his phone out. I hate that he calls me Miss when he's only a couple years older than me, If that. I guess that's just another one of Jaxon's orders.

I nod, putting my hand on the door handle, "Tell him just to come up to my apartment." Without waiting for an answer I get out of the car and go back up to my apartment, making sure to get my charger first. 

I must say, this isn't quite how I expected tonight to go. But this is strictly business. Nothing more. 

There's a knock on my door a few minutes later. I walk over opening the door to him, then turn around and walk into the living room with him following me. We sit down opposite each other. 

We just stare for a few seconds before he clears his throat, "What is this about Alejandra I've got stuff to do." Okay ouch. But what else was I expecting. 

"I would like to know why Harris is still here." I say, sticking with my firm voice. 

He looks bored with my response, "The same reason he was put there in the first place. To make sure you don't do anything stupid." I just roll my eyes at that.

"You and I both know that I'm not going to say anything to anyone. I've made it pretty clear that I have absolutely zero intentions in hurting your family. You don't need to keep watch on me anymore Jaxon." He looks like he doesn't know how to respond to that.

"This is a waste of my time, Harris is staying, you don't get a say." He says or more states.

"Come on Jaxon, seriously? I'm not going to tell anyone anything, I mean who would I even tell? There's only my father and you know I wouldn't tell him." I try to reassure him.

"I'm not taking that risk." He says keeping his voice monotone.

I scoff at that. He's bullshitting, this isn't just about the information i have on him. "There is no risk here Jaxon. Our relationship is over, we decided not to have anything to do with each other anymore so I would appreciate it if you didn't have your men watching me every day." I say frustratingly, I don't even know why we even have to have this conversation right now. 

"This has nothing to do with our past relationship Alejandra. Anyone else in your position would receive this same treatment. As long as you're in America, Harris will go wherever you go. End of discussion." He says in a tone that leaves no room for discussion. He probably uses it on his men, well too bad I'm not one of them. 

"No. This discussion isn't over okay. I don't understand how we're supposed to get over each other if I have a constant reminder of you and if you're getting a fucking daily briefing on my every movement!" I raise my voice at him getting annoyed again. 

"I know you don't like it Jaxon but I know you, better than you think. Which means I know that you don't believe for a second that I would ever put your family in jeopardy. You know how much I love them. You know that I don't need watched, that I'm not a threat. So please for both of our sakes just Tell Harris to go home." I say, my voice softening at the end. I look into his conflicted eyes, he knows I'm right. 

"I can't" He says almost forcefully. "Why? Why can't you?" I ask once again getting frustrated. 

"Because I don't want to!" He all but shouts at me. "I don't want to because then you'll actually be out of my life and I don't want that Alejandra I don't." He looks so intensely into my eyes. 

"Please. Let's not do this now." I whisper rubbing my hands down my face. "Why? There's no better time to do this than now." I shake my head looking back up at him. 

"We agreed Jaxon, we agreed that this wouldn't work and I know how much it fucking hurts, I do. But its better we end it now before we get in too deep." He furrows his eyebrows at me, "In too deep? We're already in too deep, I Love you and I know you love me. It doesn't need to be this complicated." He stresses.

"But it is! It is this complicated. We broke up twice in the space of what 7/8 days! We were in way over our heads when we got into this and there's still so much we don't know about each other. So much that you don't want to know." We can't just keep going round in circles like this, its exhausting.

"Look I'm sorry for how I reacted at the weekend okay I was just shocked. I just presumed you would react like the other girls and when you didn't, I just didn't know how to handle that. But I want to know okay, I want to know everything about you. I want you to tell me and I never want to lose you again." He walks towards me placing his hands on my arms. 

No matter how much I'm craving his touch right now, I sigh and take a step back. "I can't do this right now. I've got a plane to catch in a few hours." He furrows his eyebrows at me. "Where the fuck do you plan on going?" He asks getting angry, so Winter didn't tell him then. Strange. 

"Not that It's any of your business anymore but I'm going back to Italy for a week or so. My brother is becoming the new Don. I was going to tell you I was leaving but." I trail off referring to the obvious. 

He calms down nodding his head in understanding. "I heard about that, It's on Saturday, right?" He questioned. I just nodded.

"Well can we talk when you get back?" I stare at him for a little before answering, "Maybe." He just nods. I'll need to think about this one.

"Right well, I need to get to bed so I guess I'll see you around." I say finally putting an end to this conversation. 

"Yeah. Have a safe flight Alejandra." He walks forward and places a kiss on my head before walking out. 

As soon as the door closes, I collapse back onto the sofa. What the fuck? Do I really want to give things another go?. I mean a part of me knows how great we would be together and that we have an undeniable spark that I might not find again, but another part of me is also very weary of all the problems we could have. If things ended badly again, we'd just end up destroying each other.

Plus does he really think I've forgotten about his little scene at school the other day?

Looks like I've got a big decision to make.

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