That Bitch

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Ace's POV

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Ace's POV

I turn and look at the time, noticing it was 7am. I decide to get up and get ready for work.

I didn't sleep the whole night, like the past couple nights. I just couldn't. My mind was too occupied to get any rest, all I could think about was Alex. What I had done to her was unforgivable but I need her in my life. I'm too selfish to just walk away from her, even if I've hurt her way too much already. I need her. I'm willing to wait, until she's ready. If she ever will be...

After taking a cold shower, I walk into my closet and choose to wear a black shirt with a black suit. I roll my sleeves up and walk down the stairs. Entering the kitchen, I see Molly cooking breakfast.

"Good Morning sir, sit down breakfast is ready" she says

I take a seat and she places a plate with an omelette in front of me.

"Any word about Alexandra? Will she be coming back?" she asks with sadness in her face

I shake my head, and look down

"She won't listen to me about coming back" I say

"I'm just worried about her being alone, and I miss her" she says

Molly goes back to the kitchen and I sit, eating my breakfast. I let out a puff of air and grab my phone, dialling my PA Leila

"Good Morning Mr. Anderson" she answers nervously, Leila has always been my assistant. Since the beginning of Anderson Tech. Before, I was quite rude to her, which is why she's always had this almost 'fear' of me.

"Leila, please have two cars sent from the mansion to Alexandra's penthouse as soon as possible." I order

"Alright sir, are there any car preferences I should take note of?" she asks

"....the white Tesla, and the porsche" I say with a smile, thinking about Alex's requests from last night

"The porsche? But Mr. Anderson, that's your favorite car-" I cut her off

"Yes Leila, send her the porsche" I answer

Cars didn't matter to me at this point. Nothing did. Not money, not my business, not my cars, nothing. Only Alex mattered to me.

"Alright I'll have the cars sent ASAP" Leila confirms

"Oh one last thing, make sure they arrive after 9am" I say

"Got it" she says and I hang up

I didn't want the cars arriving before 9am since I was supposed to pick Alex up...

I finish my breakfast and take my dishes to the sink. Grabbing a few other things, I head out the door and to the car, making my way to Alex's penthouse.

I arrive a couple minutes before 9am and I notice no paparazzi around which was great. I park the car at the front of the building doors and get out of the car, walking over to the other side. I lean against the car, waiting for Alex. A few moments later, I see her walk out. She looks up and meets her gaze with mine and then looks away. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked like an angel... wearing all white. She was wearing a white suit, and white heels with her hair curled.

Ace ✔️Where stories live. Discover now