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A/N: Posting this one now so I can post Preggers later on! I hope you enjoy it! Let me know your thoughts!

Piper was really trying. Truly, she was, but she had never been much of a dancer. She didn't have practice or 16 of training like Rachel did, so of course she needed a bit more time to pick up choreography and stuff. But she tried and, at the end of the day, she was at least alright.

"Five, six, seven, eight." Mr. Schue went through the choreography one more time and, this time, Piper was focused. She wasn't going to mess it up. Not again. "Step and step. Step and step. And turn it around. Down and up. And hit, hit down hit."

Piper smiled, proud of herself for keeping up, but soon enough, Rachel was interrupting the class, causing Mr. Schue to sigh as he stopped dancing.

"Can we stop, please?" She asked.

"You don't have to ask me every time for permission to go to the bathroom, Rachel." Mr. Schue said. "You can just go."

"It's not my bladder." Rachel corrected. "It's the choreography."

"Okay, what's wrong with the choreography?"

"It sucks."

And just like that, Piper turned to look at Rachel, surprised. From the corner of her eye, Piper could see the Unholy Trinity snickering together but then again, the three of them were always giggling and whispering among each other whenever they were in glee, so no surprise there.

Mr. Schue, on the other hand, was shocked, staring at Rachel as if she had suddenly grown another head.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked, as Rachel shrugged, suddenly a bit unsure.

"We can't compete with Vocal Adrenaline with these steps." She explained. "You're a great vocal coach, Mr. Shue, But you're not a trained choreographer. That's what we need to be the best. We need Dakota Stanley."

"Just because he understudied doesn't mean he ever performed." Mr. Schue frowned, clearly offended by the insinuation.

Surprising everyone in the room, Quinn Fabray was the one to step forward and speak up next.

"Did you ever perform, Mr. Schuester?" She asked, watching as Mr. Schue's face fell a bit, but continuing speaking anyway. "After high school. Did you even try?"

And when Mr. Schue said nothing, they had their answer. Quinn smirked then, walking back to Brittany and Santana as everyone else stood there in silence, unsure of what to do and how to deal with the uncomfortable situation.

Well, that was awkward...


After hearing the news that Mr. Schue had bailed on them — again — and deciding to hire Dakota Stanley, Kurt, Mercedes and Piper had reunited by Kurt's locker and as the boy fixed his hair in the mirror he had inside his locker, Piper leaned against Mercedes, frowning when she sighed deeply.

"P?" She called, causing her friend to hum in acknowledgement. "You've kissed someone before, right?"

"Yeah, I did. Why?" Piper nodded.

"And you, Kurt?" Mercedes continued, ignoring Piper's question and turning to look at Kurt next. "Have you ever kissed anybody?"

"Yes." Kurt said, causing Piper to frown. She didn't even have the time to process the information, Kurt spoke up again. "If by someone you mean the tender crook of my elbow. No, I haven't. But I want to."

Piper chuckled at that, turning to look at Mercedes, expecting her to continue the conversation considering she was the one to start it only to frown instead, when she followed her line of sight and noticed her staring at Puck and Santana making out a few feet away from them. Piper widened her eyes then, exchanging a look with Kurt as the two of them exchanged worried glances.

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