Chapter 5- I eavesdrop on my boss

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Once I entered the main control room, many people were already there, watching the scene play out on the screens on the central table. I sat down next to Natasha, who smiled in greeting. I smiled in return, then glanced at the screen. Loki had just been put in the circular glass cell, and Fury was walking towards the control panel just outside of it.

"In case it's unclear," Fury's voice came through the speakers. "You try to escape... you so much as scratch that glass..." I watched as Fury hit a few buttons on the panel, which opened up a large vacuum beneath the cell. Loki approached the wall, glancing over the edge and down at the ground below us. I guess the helicarrier had taken off while I was preparing. 

"Thirty-thousand feet- straight down- in a steel trap. You get how that works?" he shouted over the rushing of the wind. 

Loki peered at him, and he closed the vacuum. 

Fury gestured at Loki and said, "Ant," then gestured at the control panel. "Boot,"

I realized that he was making a reference to what Loki had said just the other day before stealing the Tesseract: "An ant has no quarrel with a boot."

Loki chuckled and backed up. "It's an impressive cage," he admitted. "Not built, I think... for me,"

"Built for something a lot stronger than you,"

"Oh, I've heard," a wicked tint covered Loki's eyes. "A mindless beast," he turned, looking directly at one of the cameras. I shifted in my seat uneasily. "Makes play he's still a man,"

I noticed Natasha glance up at a man who I recognized from his profile- Dr. Bruce Banner, or "the Hulk".  The doctor rocked back and forward on his feet, knowing that Loki was talking about him. When he caught Natasha looking at him, they both quickly went back to watching Loki and Fury. I did the same.

"How desperate are you?" Loki was saying softly, "You call on such lost creatures to defend you,"

"How desperate am I?" Fury asked coldly, approaching the glass of the cell. "You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace, and you kill because it's fun," 

He stopped a few feet away from the cell.

"You have made me very desperate," he finished. "You might not be glad that you did,"

"It burns you to have come so close," Loki observed. The sudden change in subject left me slightly confused until he started to explain further. "To have the Tesseract. To have power... unlimited power. And for what?" Loki started backing away from Fury. He turned to another camera. "A warm light for all of mankind to share?"

He turned back to Fury. "And then to be reminded what real power is,"

Fury examined him for a second, then turned and started to walk out of the room. 

"Well, let me know if 'real power' wants a magazine or something," he derided as he exited the room.

Loki turned to face the last camera just as they went dead.

"He really grows on you, doesn't he?" Bruce commented, glancing around. 

"Loki's gonna drag this out... so," Captain America said from next to him. "Thor, what's his play?"

Thor had been standing away from the table, refusing to watch through the security cameras.

"He has an army called the Chitauri," he explained. "They are not of Asgard, nor of any world known," 

Thor turned around and approached the table. "He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth... in return, I suspect, for the Tesseract,"

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