11| Hopes

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Chapter 11: Hopes (Evelyn's POV)

"Bye," I smiled at my mom while locking up the store. I had to go to Fun & Food for my shift but my mom was headed home. 

I walked to the restaurant greeting my uncle first and then my co-workers. I headed to the back where I was going to grab my uniform from my locker, which I have to admit, is a very logical way for our uniforms to be kept here. I changed in the bathrooms and then came back out. 

"Evelyn, everyone was looking for you." I looked to my right, seeing Layla grabbing onto my arm. She's been here since I joined, we get along pretty well. 

"What happened?" I asked, grabbing the notepad, pen, and tucking the rag I use in my belt loop. 

"Table number seven is asking for you." 

"Table number seven? Who is it?" 

"I was told not to tell you," she smiled, shooting me a look. 

"What are you going on about?" I chuckled, walking around the bar which had the bathrooms for us staff members behind it. 

"Table number seven, go, just go," she laughed. 

I looked at her in utter confusion while re-tying my hair up in a high ponytail. I walked over to table number seven, taking my notepad out of my pocket and preparing to take the order. I walked over to the table while writing 'Table number seven' as the heading on the notepad. "Hello, I'm Evelyn, your waitress for this evening, what can I get you?" I asked, looking up at the people. My eyes widened, seeing Archer sitting there. 

He didn't even bring someone with him to make it look like he isn't here to see me. "Can I get a beer with the roasted chicken and a side of... you," he smirked, looking up at me. 

I took his order down, scoffing, and shaking my head. "I'm not on the menu. What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"I had nothing better to do," he answered. 

"So, you came here? Without any company and-" 

"Made it very obvious that you're a possible bride? Yes," he nodded. 

I stared at him in shock, slipping into the seat in front of him, sliding into the booth. "You are insane, Prince Archer." 

"Thank you," he smiled, fiddling with the menu, spinning it on its edge. 

"You..." I cut my words short when a waitress walked by, glancing at me for a beat too long. "You are really here just to see me and... and what?" I chuckled. 

"And to get to know you." 

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Oh, and keeping me in your palace for an entire month won't be enough to do so?" 

He shook his head shamelessly. 

"I have work to do. So good luck getting to know me," I shrugged, standing up. "I have your order to bring and others to take." I walked to the kitchen and told them about his order before going around my section, taking orders and passing them onto the kitchen. 


"Coming!" I ran over to the kitchen and opened the door. One of the chefs handed me the plates one at a time. I set them on the tray and started giving out the orders. I placed his plate on the table without even stopping. 

He tried saying something but I walked right past, biting back a laugh. 

Oh, how I love being a bitch at times. 

I then got all the drinks and gave those out, stopping at his table. "Your beer," I said, putting the glass down on the coaster. "Enjoy your dinner," I sang, walking away. 

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