Chapter 15

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The King's outfit

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The King's outfit

The Queen's outfit

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The Queen's outfit

Today was more or less the exchange.

And we are in the village square a lot of the kingdom people are here waiting to see if their king is going to give their Queen away.

For some reason after arriving here Doug looks so sure of himself and was looking ready.

But after a while he looked so disturbed and disoriented.

"What happened to you Doug, you look like you want to disappear into thin air" Jhangiani said tauntingly

"Ohhhh no your Majestie, when what am waiting for arrives you will be the one to disappear into thin air" Doug said now feeling confidence.

But after another thirty minutes he started feeling restless that's when he gave the order to his ten thugs standing behind him.

All the thugs point their guns at us but at me and Jhangiani to be exact.

"Now your Majesties will you please hand over the woman besides you to me or do you want those boys to point their guns at your people" Doug said a little confident.

"That won't happen Doug" Jhangiani said with a smile on her face and her level of confidence was so high its made me look at her like a mad fellow.

"Why so confidence your Majestie" Doug said.

After saying that someone came behinde and place a gun behind Doug's head.

The action was so sudden even I was shocked. But not as shocked as Doug.

"Ohhhhhhh my, your Majestie you only have one gun man but I have ten and besides I still have almost like hundreds on their way" Doug said

But immediately after saying that all the ten thugs drop dead at a time.

Doug looked like he was going to pee  himself after seeing his men drop dead.

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