iv. day dies, night flies

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The fire blazed in front of me, warming my cold and slightly aching body. Bright fire leaped from the ground, burning in the cold and misty air. I could hear the flickering sounds of fire, along with those rustling of grass, moved by the calming breeze.

We were in a secluded area, surrounded by thick trees. A fire sat in the middle of cleared ground, and surrounding it were the three of us. It was actually a lot more comfortable then it seemed, with the warmth of the fire and company with me.

I stared at the toasted mushroom in my hands, Enola did the same to hers, an apprehensive look on her face.

Tewkesbury glanced at us, waiting for the outcome. He was munching on a feast of flowering vegetables and various plants, happily savouring their taste.

"Go on," He nudged,  "They're really good."

My stomach rumbled, sounding like an everlasting abyss. It was either starving, or eating this. I decided for the latter option, and consumed the crisp mushroom.

It had a crunch to it, decadent and rather tasty, making up for it's poor looks. I glanced over to Enola, who was already grabbing another one. Tewkesbury grinned, his prideful face lighting up my own.

"I'll be honest," I chuckled, "I expected it to taste terrible. This is really good!"

Tewkesbury looked elated, and murmured a thanks in between his chews.

After a couple of minutes, when our belly's were full, we gazed out into the sky, in a comfortable silence, lost in our own thoughts.

A sudden idea came to mind as my hands brushed the small purse that laid comfortably around my waist.

"Tewkesbury." I said, piercing the quiet of the night. "Give me your blazer."

He cocked his head, but nonetheless, handed me the beige jacket, which was short of a chocolate brown button.

"Whatever for?"

I gestured to my thin purse, and opened its contents. Tewkesbury grinned, seeing a pouch of various buttons, while Enola gave an incredulous gasp.

"You managed to carry that with you?! After jumping off a train and trekking through grasslands?" She laughed, looking through the purse, which contained thread, sewing needles, spare pieces of fabric, buttons, and various other decorative pieces.

"When one is a seamstress, a purse filled with sewing needles and thread is most necessary." I recited mechanically. Plenty of others had asked similar questions.

"However do you avoid getting stabbed by the sharp things, Octavia?" Enola asked, pricking at the point of a sewing needle.

I giggled and rapt my knuckles to my stomach, making contact with a hard lining above my skin.

"Corsets have more practical uses then looking pretty for gentlemen."

Tewkesbury grinned, while Enola actually laughed as I proceeded sew on a button for Tewkesbury's blazer. We drifted off into a silence once more, the only sounds being the fluttering of birds and crackles of the fire.

Contrary to the chaotic adventure the day held, the night was extremely calm. Truthfully, this was possibly the most calmest night i've had in a while. London was all shouts and late night fights, while the countryside was therapeutic and gentle.

"I've been thinking," Enola piped up, ripping a leaf into shreds as she spoke, "You need a disguise."

"Agreed." I yawned, continuing my sewing, "You won't last long in London looking like royalty. You'll be smashed to bits before we get to the city centre."

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