Elias' Background

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It's pretty much some K-Drama level of dramatic stuff on its own lol. 

Two main characters, Elias and Keandre.


Keandre is a black belly. The second son of a multimillion corporation CEO. He wants to prove his worth as an heir, not wanting to lose to his older brother.

He's manipulative, cautious, cruel- and so is his company of 'followers'. He's very intelligent (more so than his followers of course), has a charisma that draws people to follow him, even if it is quite obvious he has ulterior motives (this is seen as having 'high class').

Keandre tops the level, is multi-talented. He's great at sports, music, martial arts, has even learnt university subjects despite being in high school. He is in his second year, but is also the student council president. Elias is in first year, and had just transferred over with the reputation of being a destructive delinquent.

The school had wanted to reject her application, but Keandre thought that if he was able to rehabilitate a well-known troublemaker in high society (and the daughter of the Empreror of Acting and an extremely capable secretary- both with a large network of connections), he'll surely be of way more worth than his older brother. He would be heir for sure.

So he sets out on this extremely difficult Mission. Elias refuses to be some broken thing to be fixed, especially not by some spoiled, childish, 'puppet master'.

But Keandre has a talent for saying things people want to hear, for doing things people want him to do. He's extremely perceptive, and intelligent to boot, it can seem as if he's a mind reader at times. Elias had spent her whole life watching her mother's reactions and acting accordingly, acting for her job, acting in front of cameras, acting like a bully so she can catch the attention of her father...when someone saw her for the first time, even if she knew there was something off, she appreciated it.

Keandre saw her for who she was: Someone who just wanted her father's attention. It was nothing good, but he still saw. He figured it out. And 'helped' her. If negative attention wasn't doing the trick, maybe positive would.

"Yeah right. My mom died trying that. He didn't even spare me a second glance." Elias says bitterly. "And me, studying and getting good grades? Do you know who you're talking to?"

"People can change."

"As if you believe in that."

"I do."

Elias raises a brow, staring at Keandre sceptically. Keandre looks back as sincerely as he could.


Elias looks away, and Keandre grins. She's desperate enough to try anything. And now he can reform her!

...as if.

Elias sucks at studying. She has a real short attention span and a real bad memory.

Keandre: "You can remember entire movesets of more than a hundred heroes in your MOBA game, but not how to draw the three trigonometry graphs."

"That shit's not interesting."

"That shit is going to help you pass your exams and give you success in life."

"Still shit."

"Still something you've gotta get into your head."

"What? But it's almost 9 pm! I'm gonna miss the last bus!"

"I'll have my chauffeur send you back. You're not going anywhere until you finish memorising the material."

"Ughh. You're a god damned devil I swear..."

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