Chapter Nine: Alone

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"How am I suppose to pay for all of this Alan?" I ask as Alan puts all of Johnny's bills in front of me. I have had Johnny moved back home, a team of health care providers tending to him night and day. The hospital wouldn't let me stay by his side. This way I don't have to worry about leaving him. However, there are still medical bills to pay. Worse still is all of his other bills. Johnny did have money in savings, but I can't access it. I can access our joint account but that's it.

"I don't know. But I'd suggest you get another job." Alan mutters as he sits. Johnny has been unconscious for nearly a month.

"How much do I have to make to cover all his bills?"

"With what you are currently making if you worked full time....ahhh sixteen dollars an hour?" He mutters as he starts doing the math. I pull out the laptop Johnny got me and start looking. I work four days of the week, ten-hour shifts. If I can get a job working three twelves I can cover it. I apply for any job that falls under those parameters. I'm surprised by how many I find.

"Can you help me sort them all out?

"Of course. I'm here to help. First, let's see what we can cut out." I'm surprised by how much Alan wants to help me. He must really care about Johnny. Together we make a list of things that have to be paid, things that can wait, and things that can be completely cut out. At least with Johnny being unconscious, he isn't drinking or smoking. Alan stays for nearly six hours, helping me sort it all out. By then I have three interviews set up for the next day. If I'm lucky I'll get another job and won't lose any of Johnny's properties.

~~~~Six days later~~~~

Tears slide down my cheeks as I watch them lower the small casket. Johnny had already bought the plot before the accident. but now he can't be here to watch his son be buried. We waited a little longer than normal in the hope that Johnny would wake, but he hasn't. I'm surprised by how many people showed up. Tim and Helena, Ellen; without cameras, Nicholas, Vanessa and Johnny's other kids, Johnny's mother and siblings. None of them know me well, but they still came. They all have brought extra people with them, but no introductions are made.

One by one they come to me. Each gives their condolences before leaving. I wanted a small ceremony, nothing big. That's exactly what I got. Ellen comes to me last, handing me a camera flashcard.

"I know you didn't want pictures...but I thought you might like to show Johnny when he wakes up."

"Thank you. I'll let you know if anything changes." She smiles and nods before leaving. I watch them all drive away before turning back to the grave. Some men are burying him now. Johnny had a custom headstone made for Valentine, but it won't be put in until tomorrow. With a shaky sigh, I leave, using a black handkerchief to wipe my tears. I hope Johnny doesn't mind me using it. I didn't want to get the dress he got me dirty with tears and snot. I cry the whole drive home, and into the night.

~~~~One month later~~~~

I sigh as I slip into the house. Today I've worked two jobs; a ten-hour shift at a rail company, and a twelve-hour shift at a factory job. It's almost four in the morning now, and I have to get up at eight for my first job again. Luckily I only work one job tomorrow. There are only two days I work both. I make a quick stop to talk to the nurses about Johnny. His condition hasn't changed. That's a good thing and a bad thing. That means he isn't getting worse, but he isn't getting better. Once they have given me the rundown I head upstairs to see him myself. He doesn't look to have changed at all. His neck is still braced, as is his wrist.

"I love you, Johnny," I whisper, placing a careful kiss on his forehead. At least his head isn't wrapped anymore. But you can see where they did the surgery that saved his life. His hair is growing back though. It seems darker than I remember. I leave his room with a sigh, collapsing on my bed. After insuring my alarm is set I fall asleep.

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