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Malakai's Pov

"Malakai, Mac, breakfast is ready!" Our mother's voice echoes through the house, pulling me from my thoughts. As I head downstairs, I collide with my twin brother, Mac.

"You look like hell," I quip, noticing the bruises and cuts marring his face.

"Shut up and help me hide them before Mom sees, or I'll spill about your whereabouts last Friday night," he retorts, his tone smug.

With a resigned sigh, I agree, and we quickly cover his injuries with makeup before joining our mother for breakfast. Despite her usual composure, I sense an unease emanating from her.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I ask, concern lacing my voice, prompting Mac to join in.

"It's just... I have a feeling something bad is going to happen today," she confesses, her worry palpable.

Before any of us can react, the tranquility is shattered as armed intruders burst in. In a blur of action, we defend ourselves, but not before our mother is gravely wounded.

As we kneel by her side, trying to stem the bleeding, she implores us to fulfill her final wishes, revealing secrets hidden in a safe in her room. With tears in our eyes, we promise to honor her words, as she utters her last, expressing her love in Greek.

"Mama, please, stay with us," Mac pleads, a single tear tracing down our cheeks as we grapple with the sudden loss.

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