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"You two did what?! On that small bed!" Zara exclaims as we get ready for our morning classes. She's so impressed with my confession that she momentarily stops applying her makeup to look at me.

I bury my head in one of my cushions and groan as I just told Zara how heated things got between Tanner and I the other night. "I know. I know. It just sort of happened."

Originally, I wasn't planning on telling her any of this, but after a lot of begging on Zara's part, I eventually caved and filled her in. I know I shouldn't be feeling embarrassed about talking about my sex life with her, especially after hearing all of her sex stories, but still, I am.

"You can't tell Tanner I told you. This has to stay between us. Okay?"

"Don't worry, I won't mention it to another soul," she says, placing her hand over her heart before turning back to the mirror.


"No problem." Zara winks at me through the mirror and continues to apply her eyeliner. "Can I just ask one thing, though, and then I'll never mention it again?"

I squeeze my cushion tighter to my chest, preparing for whatever she's about to say next. "Fine. What is it you want to ask?"

Her lips curl up, and she stares at me through the mirror. "How hot was it? I mean fuck, Leah. I can just imagine he's amazing in bed. Like toe-curling, throwing-your-head-back good."

My mouth drops open in shock, and I release a garbled sound from my throat. I can't believe she just asked that. No, wait. I can.

I can literally feel my cheeks burn, and once again, I bury my head in my cushion as a protective barrier from Zara's question.

"That good, eh?"

I chuck my cushion at Zara's back, causing her hand to jolt so that her eyeliner splodges on her forehead. "Mind out of the gutter, you. You lust after your man while I lust after mine."

Unfazed by my attack, Zara grabs a makeup wipe from her drawer and removes the stray mark. "All right. But God! I haven't done anything like that in months."

She wiggles her eyebrows in the mirror. "I may have to pay Jake a visit tonight and give him a sixty-nine."

I cough loudly as I pull my brown boots on. "Um... He'll be in for a nice surprise later, then."

Zara throws her eyeliner back in her makeup bag. "Yep. And look at you giving me sex ideas," she teases as she sits down on the bed to lace up her biker boots.

Just then, a roll of thunder resonates outside, making us both jump. It's startles me that much that my heart is thumping loudly against my chest.

"Man, that was loud. I didn't know there was supposed to be a storm today," Zara says.

I shake my head. "Me neither."

I head over to the window and pull back the drapes where I immediately notice that it's a lot darker than usual outside. The sky is filled with a mass of swirling gray clouds that are heading directly for us. I sigh and head for the door hanger.

"Best put on our raincoats. I don't think it'll be long until this storm reaches us."

"Good idea. It sounds close," Zara says as she grabs her own raincoat off the hook.

This time a bolt of white lightning cracks across the sky that is quickly followed by an even louder round of thunder.

At the rate this storm is moving, it could be right on top of us before we make it to campus.

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