Chapter Seventeen

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Cora couldn't repress a pang in her heart at the sight of her luggage being carried out of Hayes' apartment and into the unmarked cars parked in the street. She hid it with a pleasant expression, fluffing up her thick stole to give herself something to do while Hayes spoke quietly with the two policemen, both out of uniform. No one looked happy, and she couldn't say she felt any better.

In fact, she found this new arrangement to be downright silly. Why should she be in danger from Harold Beaumont? Unlike Freddy, she didn't know the enchanter or where he might be hiding. But she did know what powerful men were like when they wanted their way, and it was obvious city officials were scrambling to stop the chaos caused by Freddy and his cult. Now she would have to stay at one of those dour women's retreats until they decided she was safe. As if she could be safer under police protection than with Hayes.

Just then, he walked over to her. His shoulders were visibly tense, and he spoke in that flat tone he used when hiding his anger. "I'll drive you there. They're going to escort us."

In the car, he growled briefly when the shorter, stouter officer signaled at him that they'd lead the way. "I'm sorry things turned out like this."

"So am I, but there are worse things than being bored." She looked out at the heavy traffic, already feeling better now that they were talking about it. "I say we take this as a chance to find Harold Beaumont before anyone else. If you can't reason with someone, embarrass them instead. And being stuck in a room can't stop me from working as your assistant sleuth."

He nearly smiled at that, but it was obvious he was still on edge.

"I... hope you don't regret anything about last night," she said, feeling surprisingly hesitant. She'd been considered a bad decision by more than one man, but a good cry and a round of shopping always melted her indignation. Normally. That wouldn't be the case if she saw the same cold light in Hayes' eyes, and she knew it.

For an agonizing breath, he remained focused on the road ahead. Frustratingly, the brim of his hat slanted over too much of his face to glean anything from his expression. The crush of traffic, complete with insults, honking horns, and rumbling engines, created a cacophony that somehow made their little space all the more private while she waited for an answer.

Just as her fingers began worrying at the pearls sewn on her purse, he reached over and squeezed her hand.

"No, Bunny. I don't regret it," he said, his deep voice softening until it brushed her ears like velvet.

Her heart threatened to break open and gush everything it held. Not only her feelings for him, but also the urges to break the arrangement with the retreat. She wanted to shake off the escort car and drive somewhere they couldn't be found. She wanted to continue what had been interrupted last night. A brief touch between their gloved hands was no longer enough, especially since this might be their last conversation for quite some time.

As if sensing her thoughts, his voice turned brisk. "So. Beaumont. What are your ideas on finding him?"

It was an obvious change in topic, but even she had to agree it was for the best. "Well, if he's still able to cast magic, then he must have access to supplies. While you and Captain Dempsey were trying to outshout each other, I pestered one of the officers into telling me a few things. Beaumont's only known laboratory has been burned down, so he must be working from whatever place Freddy gave him for the cult-related enchantments."

"Why would Freddy Davenport give him a separate lab?"

"That was always Freddy's way. He had lots of hobbies and kept any middlemen needed for them at his beck and call. He had a repair shop built into his car garage and another in his boathouse. They were fully staffed at all times. It used to confuse people, you know, since he had a reputation for being careless, but it's really very straightforward. He had obsessions and put everything into them."

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