I didn't die but yet, I lost life's breath

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2 days later

"Anything?" Sky asked "Nope. Nothing, she hasn't even moved" Jessie said "She'll be okay, she's a fighter. She'll wake up, she just needs to heal by herself" Sky reassured "I know. Thanks Sky" Jessie said "Oh, and I was gonna go make some dinner if you want anything" "No, I'm okay. I'm just gonna wait here for her to wake up" Jessie said "You have to eat something" Sky stated "I will, when she wakes up" Jessie reassured "What is she doesn't?" Sky asked "Don't say that. You said it yourself, she's a fighter" Jessie explained. "I know, but she's also human" Sky said "Yeah but do you know who's not?" Jessie asked "Who?" Sky replied"Elijah. He did this to her. If she dies, it's on his hands" Jessie explained "I know" Sky replied.

"I'll keep watch on her til you get back" Sky said faintly as I woke up. I don't know how, but I survived. I panicked, I just thought about what happened. I was in my room, Jessie wasn't there but Sky was, I guess Jessie left for a bit cause he didn't come back right away. It was nearly pitch black. "What, what happened?" I asked myself "Jessie, Oh my god. Jessie! He was there." I panicked. I heard footsteps from outside my door, and for some reason I thought it was Elijah. My door opened and it was Sky. Turns out they were keeping watch of me seeing I would wake up, he just got up for a minute. He walked in and he didn't see me til he came and sat by my bed. I'm guessing they've been doing that all night. My whole body hurt, and not just my head. My whole body. He sat there and just waited, "Mm, S-Sky?" I mumbled. "HMM? Jordyn? Your- You're awake. Hang on-hang on" Sky said getting up, "Jessie!" He yelled "What?!" "Jess- Hurry!" "For what?" "Just Get Up Here!". It was around midnight and I could just barely remember what happened. "Okay, what? What is it?" Jessie asked, "Look" Sky said gesturing his head to me "Hm? What- Oh my god, oh, my- you're, you're awake!" Jessie exclaimed

This is gonna sound crazy, but something was off. I know that I just took a bad beating but it wasn't that. It was like something was about to happen, something bad. I just sat there terrified, "Jordyn? Hey, hey look at me. You're okay, You're safe" Jessie reassured quietly "How are you feeling?" He asked "I don't know. My head is pounding, my hand hurts. I hurt" I said "Yeah, you're gonna have that for a while" Jessie stated "Jessie what happened?" I asked "Elijah showed up, he beat the crap out of you. He broke your hand" "What- How long have I been asleep or unconscious?" I asked "Two days" Jessie replied "Two days. Like just completely out of it, or in and out?" I asked "This is your first time waking up, since it happened" Jessie stated "Wow. Has he-" "Come back? No." Jessie said "Oh, good." I stuttered. "Why was he here anyway?" I asked "I don't know. But if he comes back. I'll kill him"

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