111- Blackmail and Extortion

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Fifth Elder’s face immediately flushed red. He felt like he had been insulted and looked down upon, so he couldn’t help but shout, “You little bastard! Who would want those three melons and two jujubes of yours? Laozi has lived for so long, so what haven’t I seen? Would I take a fancy to your things? Aren’t you looking down upon us a bit too much? Those cultivation methods are supposed to belong to the individuals who possess them. If they were to reveal them  and someone plans to seize another’s cultivation method, then that would be a grave matter indeed.”

If the matter wasn’t settled well, the two of them could end up with a deep-seated hatred for each other!

As the head of the family, Fifth Elder naturally shies away from such matters, but……damn it! It’s not like he’s  a craftsman or an alchemist anyway, so what damn use could he have for their cultivation methods!

From what he saw of the current situation, Lin Xuanzhi wasn’t hiding the corpse at all. Even if they had doubts in their hearts, no one could reach a final conclusion without any concrete evidence!

But Third Elder was still trying to fan the fire, “You can’t say that. Your cultivation level has improved by leaps and bounds within such a short amount of time, so there are a lot of people within the family who suspect that you’re practicing some sort of evil demonic art. If you take out your manual, you’ll be able to shut their mouths, and make them even more convinced of your talents at the same time.”

“He, to put it bluntly, you’re all just after the cultivation method.” Lin Xuanzhi sneered disappointedly, “It’s not like I can’t give you my cultivation method. But, this craftsman cultivation method would probably be of little use to the Lin family. Third Elder, don’t tell me that you really plan to have Xuanzhi cut off all ties completely with the Lin family, over this one cultivation method?”

“What kind of nonsense are you spouting!” Fifth Elder’s heart clutched immediately and he scolded himself for being so stubborn. He quickly said, “We definitely have no such intention. Since Xuanzhi has already been proven to be innocent, then this matter will end here, and no one will ever mention it again!”

Second Elder understood the pros and cons involved in this as well. He grinned as he fulfilled his duty as a peacemaker, and said calmly, “Xuanzhi ah, we were the ones who have been rude this time, since we suspected you based solely on a few words that someone had uttered. But you should understand that the Lin family has always treaded the righteous path to Dao, so we can never co-exist with the devil’s path. When we heard someone say that someone was cultivating the devil’s path in our family, as the elders, we would naturally feel anxious.” This was the way out that Lin Xuanzhi had been waiting for. He knew what was good and bad for him, so he took the way out and spoke in a gentler manner, “Since that’s the case, do the elders still have something else to discuss with me?”

Fifth Elder laughed bitterly, “No, we don’t.”

Lin Xuanzhi’s cold gaze swept over the dumbfounded Lin Yangzhi, “If you had any doubts about my cultivation method, you could’ve just asked me straight out, and I would have  explained it to you. But engaging in such trickery behind the scenes…is a bit excessive.”

Lin Yangzhi’s face was flushed with anger, and the colour of his face alternated between green and white. He clenched his teeth, “You must have moved the corpse away. How can you prove that you’ve been in your room the whole day today?”

“If you hadn’t mentioned that, I would’ve forgotten it too.” The corners of Lin Xuanzhi’s mouth curved up leisurely, “I’ve been crafting equipment the whole afternoon today. If you guys hadn’t suddenly crashed into my room which forced me to stop mid-way, I would have probably already crafted a high-grade magic tool by now. If the elders don’t believe me, you could dispatch someone to go collect the debris, and let someone who knows the ropes check it; to see how long it would take through a process of constant crafting before that magic tool could reach that kind of standard!”

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