chapter 79

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Sadhvi's pov:

I woke up after hearing my alarm sound......

I quickly got up and switched it of not willing to listen it anymore.

Suddenly remembering something I frowned my brows.......

Why was Siddarth not holding me today?

I mean it was like we had a silent agreement that we would cuddle everyday.
Because we if I sleep at the end of the bed,I would eventually wake up in his arms.....

And I....kind of habituated to it.

Now I am feeling somewhat weird.

But I shrugged of all my negative feelings and said to myself that may be he is extremely tired.

I didn't even know when he he came yesterday.....

I waited him till eleven when he still didn't reached I retired to my room.

May be he came late at night.....
Sometimes ....not many times it is worrying me.

Is he eating on time or just doing his work all the days?

I just want him to take rest for sometime.

I know in my heart that this would happen ......he would be busy as an intern. is our I will make some plans for us.

I quickly had my bath and got dressed into  a turquoise blue kurthi and a coral pink pants.

After 15 minutes.....I am all ready to go college.

I saw the was already 7:30....

Just then Siddarth came after doing his gym.

I cooked poha as it takes less time.

I quickly made it.....because he will not even have breakfast sometimes as he had to reach college before 8:15

I served the poha and also heated some milk and made some coffee for him.

He joined me not so late.....
I looked at him,he was in his White shirt with black trousers.....

I like this look of him so much.
I am too obvious to him maybe as I am oogling at him.

But I came out of my trance quickly at sat with him.

We quickly ate our breakfast and we went to college together.

But he was tensed as he may get late today.....

I stayed quite as I didn't know what to say to reduce his anxiousness.

Daily we were going together to college but I was returning home  by a cab as he comes late.

He parted our I went to our room.

They were still getting ready for today.......

I sat on the bed at waited for him.

Today is our anniversary......don't think he remembers it. Because he had not wished me yet.

Anyways......I will plan a surprise for him.

Or some big one.....but just a small one.

After their breakfast we went for our morning postings which is pediatrics for the past two months.

From tomorrow we will be having emergency medicine postings.....

After postings my friends went to have their lunch .I bade my good byes with them as I said that I was planning a dinner with Siddarth on this occasion.

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