Chapter 40

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Genevieve's POV

I woke up on the couch for some odd reason. When did I get here? I shrugged and walked to the kitchen. Alice walked down with a smile and walked over to me.

"How was your sleep, mom?" Alice asks

"Good, besides being kicked to death" I told her

I grabbed some fruit from the fridge. I grabbed the cutting board and a knife. Alice walked over and helped me cut my fruits.

"Where is everyone?" I asked

"Hunting. They'll be back shortly" Alice tells me

I nodded and placed fruit into a bowl. Alice saw the bump and placed her hand on it.

"I am so excited about them. I wish I could see you and the babies future" Alice tells me

"You still can't see my future?" I asked

"Yeah. It's like when Bella hangs out with the Quileaute wolves. Blank" Alice explains

"I wonder if the babies will have powers as well" I said

"Maybe! They would have unique powers, being most likely part vampire and part mermaid" Alice tells me

I began eating my fruit as the door opens. The whole family walked in. I smiled at them all, as Alice walks over to them. Carlisle walks over to me and placed his hands on my stomach. He kissed my nose and rubbed my stomach. Rosalie walked over to me.

"Can I talk to you?" Rosalie asks

"Yeah" I said

Rosalie gently grabs my hand and we walked away from everyone. She seemed to be needing this. We walked to the balcony and looked at the afternoon sky.

"I was going to talk to you earlier, but you fell asleep and we went hunting, so I waited until you were completely awake before talking to you" Rosalie tells me

"Rosalie, you know you can talk to me whenever you need to. I'm not a stranger" I told her

Rosalie sighed. She seemed to be trying to say what she wants to say, but doesn't know how.

"Has Carlisle told you about all of our pasts?" Rosalie asks

"He's told me about his and Esme's. He told me how most of you were changed, not your story. That was practically it" I told her

"I want to tell you mine" Rosalie tells me

"Are you sure? I don't want to force you to do that" I told her

"I know. I just wanted to tell you. I needed a girl to understand" Rosalie tells me

"You can tell me anything" I told her

"Before I became a vampire, I always wanted to have kids. I wanted to marry a man, who would be there and take care of me and the kids. I thought I had that with a man named Royce. He was a drinker and was never sober. I was a naive girl at that time thinking he loved me. I was walking home from a friend of mine's house when he saw me walking home. His friends and him...gang raped me and left me for dead. Carlisle found me and changed me. After I woken up, I realized I wasn't going to have what I dreamed of having. I wasn't going to have kids." Rosalie explains to me

"I'm sorry about all of that. You didn't deserve any of that. Feel free to talk to me when you need it. I'm here for you" I told her

Rosalie smiled and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back. I appreciated her telling me her story. I now understood the way she acted before Bella and I became family. We pulled away and walked back towards the family.


I walked back over to Carlisle. He kissed my forehead and placed his hands back onto my stomach. I placed my head on his shoulder as he rubbed my stomach. I wasn't big enough to look 9 months pregnant, but I was getting there.

"How are you today?" Carlisle asks me

"I'm feeling ok" I told him

"You sure?" Carlisle asks

"Yeah" I said

I yawned into Carlisle's shoulder. Carlisle chuckled and picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs to our room. Yes, our room. He laid me on the bed and cover me up. He stayed with me until I fell asleep.


Bella's POV

I watched as Carlisle picked Viv up and carried her upstairs. They are the cutest couple I've ever seen in the world. He cared for her like no other. Everyone else watched him carry her as well.

"I love those two together!" Alice gushes

"I do too" Rosalie says

"Viv has always wanted to be a mom. She took care of me when mom was busy doing something. When mom was away she took care of me like a Mom. She basically was preparing herself for when she ever becomes a mother" I told them

"That will all come into handy soon enough" Emmett says

Carlisle walked downstairs over to us. Viv must be asleep now. He walked over to all of us.

"Is she asleep?" Edward asks

"Yeah. I think she's getting to the point where she is getting tired and hungry more and more. Soon she'll have to be put on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy" Carlisle tells us all

"I was thinking. We should help her meditate. You know, to help her relax more?" Rosalie suggests

"Yes! Tomorrow though. She needs her rest" Esme says

"All us girls can meditate, which means all men leave" Alice says

"Really?" Jasper asks

"Yes!" Alice says

"Do I have to?" I asked

"Yes! Alice says

I hugged. I know this is all for Viv, but I've never meditated before. I'll do it, however, for Viv's sake.

Carlisle's POV

It warms my heart that everyone is excited for the babies and want to help. It makes me feel excited for my babies to be born into this world with a happy family. Soon we'll have to start planning the wedding.

 Soon we'll have to start planning the wedding

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994 words

Ok. I added the conversation between Genevieve and Rosalie, because I found it cute that Rosalie wants to talk to Gennie. Also, should the babies be born before, or after the wedding?

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